Welcome to my world.

I'm SomeGuy, 29 years old, residing in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I've studied English Literature, Chinese Martial Arts, and am currently pursuing careers in writing - possibly even in the anime industry itself.

And I work for this site.

And you should be watching Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad.
Or watching Ranma 1/2.
Or learning about the Shinsengumi.
Or planning to visit Vancouver, The Best Place On Earth (actual marketing motto).

Here at the "Smallville" page, I have my personal blog where I'll post about anything and everything. If ya need me or otherwise need to know anything from/about me, here's where I'll be.

If you're really looking for my more professional, site-type stuff, you wanna head over my "Metropolis" world.

(Banner Design Courtesy of Red Tigress - thanks Red!)

New Year Already?!

When the heck did it become Chinese New Year?! Man . . . well, Saturday was the first mall lion dance, and today'll be the second (and the main one, as always).

Heh, it's so routine now. I love it . . .

On the work front, nothing's exploded yet, so we'll see how that goes. Other than that, I got an LG Shine with all of our renewed cell phone plans. Seems good so far, we'll see. It also occurs to me that I have a lot of LG toys in the house now - computer monitor, TV, and now cell phone. Stupid Ed is proud of me for supporting the Yin-Yang.

He's Korean like that.

And wow, Gotham Knights is playing on Teletoon right now . . . fancy that. Though I already have it on spectacular Blu-ray, so I think I shall change the channel.

That is all.

If my dad sends me any pictures of last day's performance, I'll probably post some of 'em later.

'Til then, Gung Hei Fat Choi (or Gong Xi Fa Cai if you're weird like that) and all of that stuff. Happy Lunar.

Well, I'm boned . . .

Got a call this morning from work.

Turns out a cheque I let a man use for payment last month didn't go through, and as such he got out with about $800 of stuff on my watch.

I knew we didn't take cheques (so that was already weird), so I called the manager to check with her. She came over, another woman from the front talked me through the process including how to put the guy's "cheque allowance" card numbers into the system. Of course, his card numbers didn't work either because it was apparently missing a digit (which really should have been the second flag at that point). I can probably make an argument that I had a lot of higher-ups helping me through so I don't get hammered completely . . . but yeah.

Sooooooooooo I'm probably boned somewhat harsh. I'll tell ya how it goes.

Y'know what's beautiful?

Serenity. On Blu-ray.

I want my big damn sequel already . . . when a man buys the same movie twice, there oughta be something good to come from that, I reckon.

Big News For The Win

I do believe I hit one out of the park with that last link to that story about the Halo teen. Lots of fun comments to read back and forth . . . and really, you've gotta be doing something right if someone wants it taken down because it's causing too much discussion.

But I mean c'mon . . . 32 comments is chump change compared to what Kotaku's members did (so far they're up to 128 comments on that particular story, with 346 comments on the original story when it first came out).

Anyway, glad to hear people were interested enough to get involved. And naturally, thanks to Beth for doing what she does best. Love ya Bethers!

Other than that . . . finished Valkyria Chronicles. Considering I got 30 hours of gaming out of a single playthrough, I think I can say it was a good investment. This pleases me.

I'll be off enjoying my three straight days off now. Toodles.

Three Interesting Things . . .


Valkyria Chronicles continues to be powerfully amazing. Great story going on, and I tend to find myself thinking about ways to more efficiently beat the scenarios during the day. So again, if you ever find yourself in possession of a PS3 . . . Valkyria Chronicles.


Guy I knew through Superstore knows of a possible Technical Writer opportunity at his company, told me about it. As he mentioned, it's a shot in the dark. But let's see . . .


Holy crap, they started a new Hajime no Ippo series!!! I may need to get back into current anime again . . . . .