Welcome to my world.

I'm SomeGuy, 29 years old, residing in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I've studied English Literature, Chinese Martial Arts, and am currently pursuing careers in writing - possibly even in the anime industry itself.

And I work for this site.

And you should be watching Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad.
Or watching Ranma 1/2.
Or learning about the Shinsengumi.
Or planning to visit Vancouver, The Best Place On Earth (actual marketing motto).

Here at the "Smallville" page, I have my personal blog where I'll post about anything and everything. If ya need me or otherwise need to know anything from/about me, here's where I'll be.

If you're really looking for my more professional, site-type stuff, you wanna head over my "Metropolis" world.

(Banner Design Courtesy of Red Tigress - thanks Red!)

This is kinda amusing . . .

Hey look what someone linked:


Hehe. Nice.

Also, I royally pissed off a coworker the other day because I wouldn't let his brother use his 10% discount card. This may or may not come up later in life, though if it does I probably won't care. I never see the guy anyway, and the fact that we WOULD let his brother use the card is more the exception than the rule (the rule being quite explicit about card usage being ONLY by the staff member).

Remind me to blog about personal philosophy about "I don't ask a lot of favours, don't start asking me for them now" some time. I bet it'll be fun.

Daytime shift! Huzzah!

I don't have to close tonight! Means I can eat at home tonight! Also means I can talk to people on Skype tonight!

So Heroes last night . . . I've already seen one diehard Heroes fan already turning away from where the show's gone this past while, so they're definitely at a kind of make-or-break period of time. There's a lot of idiot balls being carried on all teams across all fields, so it's very frustrating at times and I respect that. Nevertheless, I very much want to know what's going to happen next. That's gotta be worth somethin', I guess. On the plus side, at least Maya's not there anymore? Not that she sucked, she was just not as interesting as the others - kinda like Matt in season one before he took a level in badass.

Also . . . I'm about halfway through The Watchmen, and it's extremely well done. I'm loving it so far as something both new and retro to me all at once. It's nifty like that. Naturally, Rorschach steals the show; I'm not surprised.

EDIT: I spent an extra few hours last night reading Watchmen instead of going to bed - with a work shift starting this morning, this is gonna cost me.

On the plus side, though, Watchmen was crap-your-pants awesome, so there's consolation in that. It's really hard to see a lot of things coming in the book because it subverts pretty much every superhero trope and expectation into a rather interesting moral situation.

Heh . . . this movie's gonna piss off a lot of people next month. And I don't even mean the poor people who won't be able to handle the adaptation, either. The final message of the story's gonna mess with people . . . aaaaaaand . . . that should be fun to watch . . .

Why Did We Watch That?!

Look what we did on Valentine's Day:

*Audio discretion is probably advised at least a little, and may be disturbing to some viewers.*

Bahaha . . . ahhhh, internet shock videos. Good times . . .

Other than that, I bought The Watchmen, have been reading that a bit. Pretty interesting so far, looking forward to the next 300 pages of comic book to go . . . also, the trailer for God Of War 3 IS FREAKIN' SICK! I'm excited again for that.

Also, I evidently called Ichigo a girl today because I thought he was Kei (even though it was his picture in the scanned post image). Hilarity ensued.

Wow, Where've I Been?

I haven't blogged in a while. I should remedy that . . . alright, let's see . . .

  • Hung out a bit more with my dad and my grandma, ate a little more here and there.
  • My mom taught me a new Chinese proverb: gai toong gnap gong (chicken talking with duck) to describe the conversation between myself and my grandmother.
  • I explained to my grandmother what a "muffin-top" was.
  • Worked. Nothing interesting.
  • Started shooting a commercial for Anime Evolution's commercial contest. We plan like suckers, so it's a bit of a gong show. But it's fun.
  • Got the Resident Evil 5 demo. Played it. Loved it. Excited for it now.
  • Got a Fan Words intern, have been enjoying the second pair of eyes immensely.
  • Called Adam a dick on Tuesday. That was pretty amusing.
  • Had an exciting point in the chat involving trains. That was good.
  • Background moderator work led to some amusing, ironical user issues. Very curious as to how that'll all end . . .
  • Grandma gave me a BUNCH of Chinese movies I need to watch . . . if ever I find the time . . .
  • Watched Dollhouse on Friday. Dollhouse was excellent. Joss Whedon, please don't get screwed over again...

Probably other things happened too. I can't remember them anymore, though.

Other than that . . . happy Valentine's Day. Kiss 'em if ya got 'em.

Chinese Proverb Win!

Talked to my dad a bit on the phone after I was off work to plan to meet for some yum cha on Thursday with my grandma and possibly my uncle or something.

Anyway, as I got to the car, he mentioned this saying to me that really fits my situation right now:

"Keh Ngau Wun Ma"

Basically, "ride an ox while you search for a horse". But don't quote me on my romanization of that. It's surely wrong.

In any case, I was amused. My dad seemed glad that I was amused. Good times.