Welcome to my world.

I'm SomeGuy, 29 years old, residing in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I've studied English Literature, Chinese Martial Arts, and am currently pursuing careers in writing - possibly even in the anime industry itself.

And I work for this site.

And you should be watching Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad.
Or watching Ranma 1/2.
Or learning about the Shinsengumi.
Or planning to visit Vancouver, The Best Place On Earth (actual marketing motto).

Here at the "Smallville" page, I have my personal blog where I'll post about anything and everything. If ya need me or otherwise need to know anything from/about me, here's where I'll be.

If you're really looking for my more professional, site-type stuff, you wanna head over my "Metropolis" world.

(Banner Design Courtesy of Red Tigress - thanks Red!)

Happy Birthday Becky!!!

It's Beck's 21st today. Ironically she's already in Japan the day she can legally buy booze in The States - gotta love that. Surely the girl will make a post about that soon so we can comment correctly.

Also, I got a notice about it via theO automation too. Most interesting . . .

Anyway, Happy Birthday Becky, tanjoubi omedatou and all that. Now hurry up and post so I can do the song, will ya?

Beyond that . . .

Watched "Teeth" with Alexa the other day. For a movie about vagina dentata and featuring several fairly explicit dismemberments, quite well done. Adam wonders how I can even watch such a thing as it should be nightmare fuel to the extreme for all men. Girl playing the lead really nails it, though, since she really is an incredibly sweet, innocent girl for the most part trying to make sense of what's going on with herself. Then she reclaims herself and goes on the warpath. Dang. Actually a fairly thought-provoking and very intelligent movie outside of the parts that are just straight-up funny as hell - not even being sarcastic, this is a really well-thought out story.

Hey Becky, have you seen Teeth yet? I feel like it'd be something you'd enjoy. Heh, weirdo.

Week of Excellent TV

-No new Heroes, so that stays neutral for now.

-Hajime no Ippo got into its second fight. Booyah. You go, Ippo!

-Smallville wasn't super awesome, but it's progressing the Doomsday story and had some great Jimmy Olsen being smart times. Needs more Lois, but it'll do.

-Sarah Connor Chronicles was EXCELLENT. Fully rounding out the Jessie storyline, John Connor shining intelligently as the eventual leader of mankind (along with a really touching breakdown/cry-in-mom'slap ending). Freakin' love that show . . .

-Dollhouse just keeps expanding its universe. A little less Dushku this week, but tons of "determined FBI guy". He always seemed kinda unnecessary in the grand scheme before, but this week he really put himself into the main story. Excellent. Also, raping the Asian Aussie made for a good B plot. Really enjoying this show right now.

Also, I find it interesting that FOX has two back-to-back shows that have Asian-Australian girls as secondary characters. Go fig'.

This was a good week for TV. I'm quite content by that.

Also . . . Resident Evil 5. Adam's complaints are silly. This game rocks.

Beyond that . . . I've still 20 more Fan Words to clear out before I can publish my little story. Maybe I'll do that today . . .


It's 3:47am right now as I type this. I was just about to go to bed after an exhaustive run of TV Tropes and Hajime no Ippo. I was ready for bed and I wanted to get an early start to this morning so I could pick up Resident Evil 5 and such.

But I suddenly thought more about an article idea I had for a couple weeks now. Thinking about the timing and all, I decided I needed to think about it a little more.

I need to start writing now. This one could be good . . .

Happy Stabbing Day, Caesar!

It's the Ides of March today. That amuses me.

Also, I seriously need to get Resident Evil 5. I really shouldn't, but I've been looking forward to it for so long.

Beyond that . . . . . I made a child explode in the chat last night. Record time, even. I think I'll cod that sucker . . .

I'm a jerk . . .

Courtesy of Skype . . . and the old Spider-Man theme:

Shimaru, Shinmaru,
Doesn't have a paid job to do,
At his desk, wastes his day,
watching Japanese anime,

Go look! That lazy-assed Shinmaru

Is he smart? Yes and no,
Knows his stuff but is kinda slow,
Writes in prose, wins the jam,
Though he sounds like a great big ham,

It’s true! Lame is that Shinmaru…

In the still of night,
Normal folk are asleep,
Not ol’ Shin’, that’s right!
He’s awake… what a creep!

Shinmaru, Shinmaru,
No-life Mexican Shinmaru,
Real world, he’s ignored,
Paychecks, friends and girls make him bored,

To him,
He’d choose not to pursue,
Neither some plain shampoo,
That’s goddamned Shinmaruuu!

Love ya Shin'. Platonic-like and such, naturally.