Much better! ^_^

Hi! Well, last night was hell! At 10PM when we went to the grocery store on their weather station it said that it was 82. Crazy! I couldn't cool off! I think I was up staring at the ceiling until like 3 or 4 in the morning and just kind of passed out. Today's high was 96, not as hot as yesterday, but pretty hot. We didn't go to the fire station until about 2:45. Mainly because Tasha found an unbelievable spot to hide. There was no way she could have fit behind all those folded chairs, with things in the front! After some coaxing, we managed to get her into her crate and take her with us to the fire station. We were the only ones that showed up this time. It was kind of nice. ^_^ Tasha was able to sleep, I was able to concentrate on things, and my parents got some stuff done. We also went to the Pho restaurant downtown for dinner. It's nice, cheap, and they let our cat come in with us. I had my usual, it's similar to Yakisoba only it's like a Vietnamese version. It was pretty tasty. It cooled off pretty fast, now it's about 67. Tomorrow is supposed to be about 83. Pretty good considering being in 100 degree weather lately. Also, nice because we'll probably go to our synagogue's Shabbat potluck. Yay, food, people to talk to, and a service. Pretty nice. :P

Also, on top of all this, I've been suffering massive withdrawal from the Effexor. I guess it feels like you're about to seize, and then it goes away, then the next second it comes back. Almost like you're going to faint too. I feel like my brain goes somewhere else every couple of minutes. It's kind of getting on my nerves, but I have to brave it, because Effexor had some nasty side effects.

I watched more of Naruto Shippuuden today. It's nice to finally see some stuff about Kakashi's past. I feel sorry for Obito. Although, from what I've heard he's not really dead. I could be wrong though.

Some relief....

Hi! Well, today it's gotten up to 102! It was starting to get hot at about 11 today. We're at our fire station, which opened a cooling room that's open to everyone. (A room with air conditioning!) I'm actually feeling kind of cold. But, it's so much nicer than being stuck at home with no air conditioning! They're giving out water bottles to everyone. Also, they let us bring our cat Tasha as long as she was in her crate. I think that was a good thing, because she looked like she was dying in the house. In the parking lot she looked the worst. Her tongue was all the way out and she was panting hard. Once we were in here she immediately felt better. She was scared because of the few other people that are here that make noise, but looks like she's settled down. They have wifi here too! (Otherwise, you wouldn't be getting this.) Mom wants to go soon to get some burgers or something. Also, it's Tisha B'av tonight. So, they're having a thing at our synagogue for it. I don't think I'll want to go. Tomorrow they'll have this room open for an extra hour. I think we'll be here again. It's nice that there aren't too many people here. Well, hopefully home will be cooler. I've been playing cards, doing crossword puzzles, etc. Fun, still.

So Hot!!!! x_X

Hi! According to Yahoo weather it got up to 97 today! We don't have air conditioning, so we're kind of dying. I mostly played around on Facebook today. I found some funny bumper stickers:

A played an interesting RPG on Flash Ninja Clan called Unfairy Tales. It was kind of cute. Although, at one point I started to get angry because the enemies just kept popping up, I like to be able to do things on RPG's.

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.

Hi! This was a hilarious quote! I'm doing much better health wise. It's been incredibly hot today. We're not used to this type of heat. :P It got up to 93 today! Wednesday is expected to be 99! I think we're going to fry! x_X My mom suggested that we should go to the mall and just sit in those chairs on Wednesday because they have air conditioning. Sounds actually nice. I'm sure I can bring enough things to keep me occupied, much better than staying at home without air conditioning.

Today, I started typing up a story. It's basically my manga's story. I thought, might as well write it down because it's going to be a while until I think I'm good enough to draw my manga. ^_^" This one is about my 'Alliance' manga. I'm thinking when I'm done with the first chapter, I'll post it on Deviantart. Again, I'm rcmacdonald on there. :D

On Nabari no Ou I found out that Aizawa is immortal. One of the past users of Hijutsu was a doctor and used it and decided to do experiments to figure out how to become immortal. He was from the Edo period. Through experimenting he made Aizawa. He was on of the few experiments that worked. By the way the cat that's always with Miharu is also one of those experiments. Aizawa has been traveling with this cat trying to find the next user, so he can get rid of the 'curse' of being immortal. He wants to finally experience death. Saying, life is meaningless without death.

For Japanese I looked at the kanji for a bunch of the words to see if it was correct. It was interesting. Also, copying and pasting huge tables of all the verb forms of some of the verbs. I'm slowly starting to understand some of the verb forms. The easiest ones are -masu, -nai, -nakkata, and some others. -masu is just a really polite form of the verb. -nai is the present negative version of the verb. Example, to not meet. -nakkata if I remember correctly is past negative. Example, didn't meet.

Our cat is really funny! She will go into the hottest places of the house and then look at us like why is it so hot? She knows it's cooler in other places. :P
