Not much to tell that most of you dont know, I am everyone's (at least those who actually KNOW who the hell I am) favorite smartass. At least I try to be.

Put your feet up, stick around for a while.

Follow me on Twitter @Otaku_Driver

Updates, and things. Sort of. . .

Well, major stress issue number one took another step towards conclusion. Still fucked up, and I still feel really uncomfortable mentioning it on the site. An almost unbearable amount of stress and new found responsibility is on my shoulders right...

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There and back again. An idiot's tale.

I went down to Tennessee for the 4th weekend. Took a friend, she paid for gas, I drove. We went to visit a buddy's family whom I helped move last month. I had a great weekend. And I needed it. But I return home from a great mini-vacation only to return home depressed. I know that none of my problems would go away, but I didnt think that they would have hit me so hard once I got back. They did, and now Im back into the same rut I was in before I left.

I need a re-set button.

Booyakasha! Right in the face!

Still not a lot happening with the house guest from hell, I mean Florida(No offense Chaser). She has been gone since my last post, and only briefly returned to do I dont know what. But she left her crap at my house, and I dont know what to do with...

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I find myself here, beaten and broken, and afraid I wont return the better man.

Okay, the aforementioned house guest that some of you may or may not recall me complaining about a while back has worn out her welcome. This woman is my oldest friend, literally. Our moms grew up together and were best friends. We grew up t...

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Project time?

I kind of want to do a fandub of the Bakuman anime. I would like to see if others around TheO are interested in maybe trying it out.


Thanks for the interest, guys. But life has a funny way of kicking me in the balls just as soon as I see something I want to do. So as far as Im concerned, Im going to have to pass on what could very well be a fun project. I just wont have the time, or the energy needed to learn how to edit audio and video, not to mention coordinate the audio from all the people who would be involved.

Sorry, guys.