Updates, and things. Sort of. . .

Well, major stress issue number one took another step towards conclusion. Still fucked up, and I still feel really uncomfortable mentioning it on the site. An almost unbearable amount of stress and new found responsibility is on my shoulders right now, and my mental health may soon be a concern. Add in the fact that I do not sleep well is not helping me at all. So in that regard, headaches continue(literally).

Stress issue number two, she still has not come by to get her things. She is "waiting on a letter, so she doesn't have to make two trips." Bullshit, this is the same dude "sending" a letter that "sent" three others in the past, that never showed up. So in that regard, headaches from continue(figuratively).

The job still sucks, and with only working 3.5 hours a day, 4 days a week. My income is incredibly lessened. So bills are going neglected, and who knows if I can dig out this time around. So in this aspect, headaches continue. . .

Ive been trying different creative outlets to try and organize my thoughts. But no matter how much I write, or draw, or whatever, it doesn't seem to do anything but continue to frustrate me.
