I find myself here, beaten and broken, and afraid I wont return the better man.

Okay, the aforementioned house guest that some of you may or may not recall me complaining about a while back has worn out her welcome.

This woman is my oldest friend, literally. Our moms grew up together and were best friends. We grew up together, Im only 5 months older than her for crying out loud.

But today was more than I can handle. We got into an argument, her yelling at me about things, me yelling at her about things, so on and so forth. Its been four months, she does not have a steady job(She had one, for about a week. But was late three days in a row, and promptly got fired.)

She has cost me more money than she has brought in in food stamps, ringing up over $300 in long distance phone calls since arriving. Not to mention the cigarettes, and the damn beer.

Now, I invited her into our home for two things:

1. Get clean, no pills, no needles, etc. . .
2. Get a job and contribute.

During today's verbal altercation, she brought up she bought pills.

Well, that violates one of the conditions to stay here. And tonight, I bought a new lock for my door, packed up her clothes, and I will await for her return tomorrow so she can take her things and leave.

It breaks my heart to have to be so mean to my oldest friend. But Its not working out, and I dont have the money to take care of her. Im having a hard enough time surviving on my own.

After the final chapter concludes in the near future, I think it will be a long time before I can talk to her like a friend again.


So she still hasn't been back since she left two days ago. I dont know when she'll be back, and frankly I dont care at this point. The saddest thing is, this isnt even the most stressful situation Ive been dealing with over the last couple months.
