Dreams, dreams, dreams.

I had three dreams. though I don't remember the first one. And I don't really remember the third one, and I only remember bits and pieces from the second one. SO Let's begin shall we! ----------- The second one was the coolest dream ev...

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...make me super hungry argh! I'm srs in like the two dreams I sorta remember I was chowing down on some food, only to wae up and remember that there isn't any food... I'M SO MOTHERTRUCKING HUNGRY~! I want some cookies&cream icecream, and pizz...

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LIke srsly IDK what to call this. So last night I was all "I have to go to bed early (Which currently early means midnight~) soI don't sleep all day~" When I woke up today it was 1pm. I almost exploded. I was so certain it was earlier.... But I ha...

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It's not weird, is it?

I like my dreams lately. There's something about them, the lighting maybe?, that makes them seem so peaceful. And even when I wake up for a minute, when I fall back asleep they continue where they left off. They're weird but so amazing. I sometime...

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Quickly, Before I forget.

I had two dreams last night. One was a weird Bleach-Naruto crossover (I think. definently Bleach not sure about Naruto. ALSO MY SECOND ANIME DREAM YAY!) The only thing I remember was that creepy scientist guy from Bleach, Mayuri I think is his nam...

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