Quickly, Before I forget.

I had two dreams last night. One was a weird Bleach-Naruto crossover (I think. definently Bleach not sure about Naruto. ALSO MY SECOND ANIME DREAM YAY!) The only thing I remember was that creepy scientist guy from Bleach, Mayuri I think is his name, was gonna get raped some kisses from this evil dude! And I can't remember who the evil dude was! Which makes me made ecause I told myself I would ttly read some Fanfics of those two but now I never will. Thing is I think the evil dude might have been a evil-third hokage. How weird right!

In my other dream IDK what was going on but I ended up in this wooden nusery like thing (After running through bathrooms and yellow brick'd halls... FOR REALZ DAWG!), and there weren't any babies in it. Just Me and my friends and a dog I think. And Rah-chan was building stuff with blocks or something and kept yelling at me to leave the dog alone (But it reminded my of my puppy so I want to hug it and pet it), and then I started building something out of these lego-ish pieces and my other friend Kim was being a jerk-face. She kept breaking my stuff and I got really mad and yelled at her. It was really upsetting.

Also somewhere in the dream I got in this pink car with a lady (She was driving down a dirt path and lost a shoe or something IDK), I told her to just take me to my bikeso I could ride it home (The bike was in the opposite direction I was walking I htink I might be retarded). And then there was a dude and we got on a highway and he started acting like it was a racecar He even did the annocer stuff.. THe lady acted like it was all normal and I was wailing my head off about how I only want to get my bike and go home and how I ws going to me late. (And also how the guy was a maniac).

WELL THAT WAS IT! Only wanted to right down my dreams before I forgot them. Now I'ma play the sims 3.
