So like...

I'ma kinda raging guys. THE ONE TOOL THAT I USE ON THAT ART PROGRAMI US DOESN'T WORK!!! And it's only that one tool and I'm like "FFFF DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK ME TOGET GOOD WITH THAT?!" And then I grumpily tried using gimp, but I hate. So I think if I art at all it'll be traditional (PFFFF MY COLOURS *RAGES*), which means I'm totally going to be even more dead then I already am.

IN OTHER NEWS, I finished page six of ZoomZoom, but I wanted to redo a part of it and NOW SINCE I CAN'T *glares*, Idunno. Probably post it monday anyway. Also my keyboard is flithy so I can't type unless I press really hard on the buttons. *needs to clean it*. Yeah that's about. Should dosome math, but you know what? IDUNNOWANA! *hatesmath*


I'm so dead. Neyah~ It's so easy for me to procrastinate and not do anything but I have tons I need to do. Like finish reading "The Germania" and studying for my WesCiv exam,and studying some german, and doing the rest of the German assignments (E...

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In german tot means dead. That's what I am. Dead, so totally totally dead. Ugh everything is just so exhausting. My classes are okay except for sociology which I hate, and when I say that my mom and dad are all "Why? what do you hate about it?" an...

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SoI was thinking of entering that Favourite Old Anime contest... But I doubt I will. But I went on YouTube and was looking at some old animes. I looked up Monster Ranchers, then Flint the Time Detective, and some talked about Metabots (Medabots?) ...

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I'm so completely that. I need to study for speech. I have my final tomorrow. Today was my last speech. I crused the fact that the whole time I was shaking and my face started to twitch. I'm not afaird of these people so why do I still have these ...

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