SUNDAYSUNDAYSUNDAYSUNDAYSUNDAYSUNDAY!!!!!!!!!! GUISE~~ Sunday 8pm my glorious glorious Sherlock will come back into my life. And it will be glorious~ For a few hours anyway because..... NEXT WEEK IS MY FINALS AND OH GOD I'M GOING TO FAIL EV...

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No not 2012 (thought be prepared!), but my last day as a college freshman as arrived! My final-final is in like an hour, and I'm kinda of nervous for that. But right now my brain is overrun with anxiety for moving out, and then COMPLETE UTTER JOY AS I COUNT AWAY THE HOURS UNTIL KATAMARI BELONGS TO ME!

Oh gosh I have wanted that game since I first heard about it years ago. It seemed so amazing in it's simplicity! AND NOW SOON IT SHALL BE MINE! see good things come to those who wait! Though part of me worries that I'm building it up too much (LOL), and that it will only sadden me to actually play the game. THAT IT WON'T LIVE UP TO MY EXPECTATIONS. Though really I only expect it to be about as fun as rolling stuff into a ball can be. SUPER FUN. SO FUN! I CAN'T WAIT!!

And then it's back to casually thinking about exam again. I need to do well on it because I totes spaced a forgot to do something that's like 15% of my grade. And I did poorly on other stuff. SO TO GET THE B I AM DETERMINED TO GET I NEED LIKE AN A. But I keep thinking I'mma do bad on it, and it's not like I can study. I left my book at home and I told my bro to bring it after the exam. BUT WHATEVER I TOTES GOT THIS. I read most of the stories, and vaguely paid attention in class. BUT IT CAN'T BE THAT HARD RIGHT? (Oh gawd I imagine be coming back in a few hours being all "KATAMARI IS LAME AND THAT TEST WAS HARD" so expect that guys. EXPECT IT!)

Chinese Food and Ice cream

That's what I had for dinner. HERPDERP I basically conned my brother into taking me to a Chinese restaurant for dinner~ He wanted to go to, so it's no a problem -3- LOL I don't even like Chinese food that much... But I kinda really like that Chinese food. Also ice cream HUZZAH. I'm a huge fan o the ChocolateChip Cookie Dough Blizzard, though I don't like that they put fudge in it. Because then it taste like a Frostee and I hate Frostees! They are gross. But I deal because I like chocolate chip cookie dough~

So that was nice, and I kind of have a lot of work I need to do, but for some reason I'm really chill about it. Like I know what I'm going to do so I'm completely at ease by everything! LOL even though I have a lot of things to write, also I'll probably be applying to a job I won't get maybe YEAH! Working on being pretty much the favourite child.

GOSH DANG IT RINGO. I FRIGGIN' HATE YOU MAKING ME WANT TO BAWL! I CAN'T STAND IT! SOBSOB. That's something that annoys me though. I started listening to because Pandora is a money hungry jerk! But I only have a Beatles station... BUT IT NEVER PLAYS BEATLES MUSIC! Always plays thing by John, or Paul, or George, or Ringo.... And it'll play songs from Across the Universe... BUT NOT ONCE HAVE I HEARD THE BEATLES PREFORMING A BEATLES SONG! Minus the times Paul or George sang songs from Beatles albums... that's not what I'm talking about. Also Julian making me want to cry! FFFF Beatles why you gotta make me have a sob fest. At least Paul's songs are sometime jolly.

Also evidently Velvet Underground is alot more like the Beatles then I thought... Because they play on the Beatles station. FFFFF I'M SO CONFUSED BY EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING I KNOW IS A LIVE...

LOL something funny, I basically wrote a rant for an English paper and like every single person was like "WHY SO NEGATIVE?!" and oh gosh I just lol'd. I thought it was pretty freakin' hilarious. I planned to rewrite it so it's like sickly positive without really changing the set up much. Srsly though I hate that class. IT TAUGHT ME LITTLE TO NOTHING! Also I don't understand why people kept saying Why so negative after someone already said it, I can read people! This is what I am talking. SO MANY IDIOTS. LOL it was pretty hilarious... To me anyway.


OH GOSH GUYS! I have my final first final at 2 today. I CAN'T BELIEVE MY FIRST SEMESTER AS A COLLEGE STUDENT IS OVER! I feel old... *sadface*. I'm really nervous because it's HISTORY. Which wouldn't be so bad BUT I HAVE TO WRITE ESSAYS! D: So I'm probably going to fail... SO BAD. UGH UGH. I'll probably get a C in that class*sadface* A C GUYS! D: A B would be nice but unlikely. I'm such a fail student. AND NEXT SEMESTER I'MA PROLLY FAIL MORE. D: I need to pick a major!

In other news. IE had a heart-attack on me because something about the yahoo toolbar wasn't working so I had to boost it up to IE 9 beta. WHICH IS GROSS. Ugh I totes hate it. Like so much. But this gave me a wonderful excuse to change up my Firefox that I recently got. SO I made my Firefox look like IE and gave it an Assassin's Creed 2 persona, and NOW IT'S TOTES COOL! LOL bookmarks are lame and should just be called favourites though. The internet is not a book. Just saying.

ALSO TOMORROW I LEAVE TO GO HOME FOR A MONTH. College is so nice with it's long break. And my bro is going come get me and get my stuff so I can chill with him until my mom comes and gets me. And after we get my stuff and w/e we're going to go to this one story that's have a 25% off art supplies sale! I'M SO EXCITED!! Gonna buy me some pencils. SO MANY PENCILS~ Herp Derp I'm so excited about buying pencils. Whenever I draw I always use 2h and it's hard to get those unless you buy a pack with a bunch of other pencils. BUT THIS STORE I THINK SELLS THEM SEPARATELY!!!

So yeah. Anxious about exam excited for pencils! Off to do some last minute study. WISH ME LUCK GUYS.


So I had two exams today. LOL It was intense. I woke up this morning ticked becaue my roomies alarm was once again waking me up when I have another hour to sleep.... Only I didn't have another hour so it was actually ok. But yeah I get angry when ...

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