helping out the noobs

i cry alil knowing that certain parts of the internet hold the potential to drastically change my ability to make art.
one thing no one likes knowing is that its been around for awhile,and so have you,but you havent realized it.

just hought id save some of those painful thoughts of random naivety so that you too can edit like a genious

provided you can also find out how to add parts of the program like brushes and stuff to it,cause you can totaly do that with gimp best of all{it doesnt cost anything}
freeware ftw,sense its the holidays i will completely without fail do requests
{and yes i will do the ones im already supposed to be doing}

best part is if you go to my deviant art{yes its still 36inc im not stupid}
then youll be able to buy your requests print{hentai is an acceptable request.}

as long as nothing requires that i spell everything right cause i get bored when i type and i stop caring at some point.
in which case youll prolly get mwaahahahahah inserted randomly.
and most of the words i spell correctly are fallacies anyway i click spell check every two words.
im actualy surprized fallacies was done right but actually and surprized are lazily not even edited,
well whatever thats prolly also the reason i dont post fanfictions hoping to make it on the front page of theotaku.
well yeah reqeusts please!!!

stabby rip stabstab

wonderful attack kittens from space!!!!

lol and some cake

hello world,rose erin reporting for artists everywhere.
a declaration must be made

this is my avatar for this week every week ill be changing it.
now the reason i post this.
i want you to get me the cutest anime girl you can find on the internet.
kinda just send me the link in the comments box and ill look at it.the cutest each week shall get a request of whatever the hell they want,even if ive never drawn it before!!^-^

who ever else is left if the girl is too cute for me to turn down completely
ill use it the fallowing week and give you your request.
the request can be anithing!! wall paper fan art fan comic e-card or fan word
and if its too dirty{as in violent or nude} ill post it on deviant art instead in which case ill give you the link.

the ideal cute girl cannot be a chibi ,it can be your favorite cute girl and it can be any color scheme out there.{ie: so i dont care if it is like purple hazed over it or something}
it can be your oc if you wish it too be the file doesnt have to be 100x100
ill edit it myself so get any picture of a cute girl you want to.
oh no REAL people {because very simply ,their not me}

have fun with it

new pages in chapter 3

for the rest of the day im drawing new pages for chapter 3 hopefully finishing the chapter by 9 tonight

[{btw my manga is 9 chapters long with chapter 3 beeing the longest chapter,so any who are waiting for me to do more in chapter 3 your wish is served}]

i personaly love my characters to the point of thinking their my children
[im great with children but hate them so this is what ill use as substitute lolz]
if they were real id probable wouldnt be surprized but im sure rachele would be good friends with me[ i write her using personal attributes from myself,its where her sarcasm and room design come from too]
ive always wanted to do animation but got that got canned last year so ill just havta wait till i can do it myself[of course i wouldnt be doing the animation i had a friend that could do it but he has business somewhere else now]

{unreliable boys as usual}
either way injoy my randomness all day..kay see ya...

new pages in chapter 3

for the rest of the day im drawing new pages for chapter 3 hopefully finishing the chapter by 9 tonight

[{btw my manga is 9 chapters long with chapter 3 beeing the longest chapter,so any who are waiting for me to do more in chapter 3 your wish is served}]

i personaly love my characters to the point of thinking their my children
[im great with children but hate them so this is what ill use as substitute lolz]
if they were real id probable wouldnt be surprized but im sure rachele would be good friends with me[ i write her using personal attributes from myself,its where her sarcasm and room design come from too]
ive always wanted to do animation but got that got canned last year so ill just havta wait till i can do it myself[of course i wouldnt be doing the animation i had a friend that could do it but he has business somewhere else now]

{unreliable boys as usual}
either way injoy my randomness all day..kay see ya...
