Nyarth's New Profile (WAY overdue)

Pokemon: Meowth
National #: 052
Title: Scratch Cat
Type of Pokemon: normal
Held Item: a soothe bell on a red ribbon tied to the end of his tail, and a berry pouch given to him by Estelle, with poffins and berries that is sometimes worn on his beltloop, sometimes not worn
Ability: pickup
Attacks: Bite, Payday, Thunder, Fury Swipes
Weak Against: fighting
Name: Nyarth
Nick Names: Nyarthy, Nekoboy
Gender: male
Age: 12
Birthday: June 8th
Birthstone: Alexandrite
Sign: Taurus
Height: 4'4"
Weight: 93 lbs.
Hair Color: silvery-gray
Hair Length: to neck, never past his chin
Eye Color: blue-gray, mostly gray
Skin Tone: light
Build: skinny, like a stick but very flexible
Markings/Scars: none
Tattoos: none
Piercings: none
Looks: has the hindpaws of a Meowth, a coin on his forehead, has small pointy teeth.
Full Outfit: a tan turtleneck sweater with a wide neck, soothe bell on a ribbon tied to his tail, bluejeans, no shoes EVER
Persona: he is officially the 'Cute One' of the roleplay. The youngest of the group by a couple of years, most everyone finds him endearing. His voice sounds VERY close to the voice of Yoru, the guardian character of Ikuto from the anime Shugo Chara. There are his bad qualities, however... He is eager to lend a hand to anyone.... as long as it isn't during one of his frequent catnaps. He has two conflicting natures: Hasty and Relaxed, which depend on his current mood. He is increasingly stubborn, and VERY talkative. Possibly to the point of annoyance. Also very impatient. His favorite place to be is outside, in the sun, meaning he likes to wander off from the mansion quite often to stroll about and find a nice sun patch to lay in. He spends many of his days in that way, looking up at the clouds and the sky.
Orient: straight
Rival: none
Siblings: none
Relationships: little brother to Estelle (Raichu was her dad too, before Nyarth was born), nickname by Chii is Nekoboy, looks up to Lux and Gil as role-models of bravery and strength, revers Lupe with a scared kind of inspiration, his father, a Raichu, was captured by a trainer early in his childhood, his mother, a Persian, was captured at the same time as he by Team Rocket a couple of years after his dad got captured, but she died in Team Rocket's hands. No other siblings to speak of. Has a very close relationship with Addy, the Delcatty gijinka (who is now around 20 years old) who helped him escape the lab.
Hometown: a forest many miles over from the mansion.
Grade: 6th (about to be in 7th)
Job: none


Likes: having his ears scratched, comfortable clothing, poffins (actually he has something of a Poffin addiction), Sweet and/or Dry berries, shiny or jingley objects or anything that would get a cat's attention (string, feathers, catnip).

Dislikes: sitrus berries (all cats hate citrus, did you know that?), when he loses someone he loves

Fears: the dark, death, bees

Strengths: agile, fast, and flexible, can fit into tight spaces

Weaknesses: impatient, stubborn, lazy, talkative


Drink: milk
Color: orange-yellow (like sunsets and sun-patches)
Tree: any that he can climb XD
Season: transition between summer-autumn
Activity: napping <3


Background: used to be a regular Meowth and lived with his Persian mom and Raichu dad in the base of a giant tree in a forest some miles away from the mansion. When he was younger, a trainer caught his dad. A couple of years later, Team Rocket captured his mother and Nyarth, brought them to their lab for experimenting. His mom didn't survive the testing, but he did- they infused him with human DNA and turned him into a gijinka. There he stayed in captivity for a year or so, until fellow gijinkas helped him escape. He fled to the nearby forests, wandering about trying to find his way home, and then came close to the mansion site, where bounty hunters were chasing the then-few members of the group. He showed up after the fight was over, and he's been taken care of by them ever since. He is grateful for the new home.
