Helping a friend

Yay! Finally gonna post :)
I wanna thank Anime-chan for including me in her post! :D
Here I go! (I hope I still got it .. lol)

In the post: Estelle, Tanner, Shola , Fresia . Metioned: Zaishi

"It's nice to meet you... Hopefully, I'll remember your name because I'm not the best with remembering," That's the last statement Tanner-san said before drifting off to sleep. His breaths became heavy, as if he was truly tired. I drew his dreads that was on his face covering his eyes to the side, wanting to see his eyes.

"I wonder what his eyes look like..." I mummbled to myself.

"What did you say, Estelle?" Shola asked me. I shook my head and smiled. Why were Espeons so curious?

"It was nothing at all, Shola-chan. Just being an Espeon" I chuckled on that statment. "*clears throat* Well the best thing we could do for him is stay by his side until he wakes up. It was a great thing you two came to his aid when you did .. Tanner could of died." The two smiled but Fresia's smile was slightly uneasy. Probably the thought of Tanner-san dying isn't such a great thought to her.

"Where's the doctor? Why isn't he here?" Fresia-chan asked me. My smile slowly became a frown as I remembered what Zaishi-kun told me..

Flashback from (probably) 1 day or so:

"What do you mean your leaving?? Have you gone mad? We NEED you here Zaishi-kun!" I shouted towards the Zangoose gijinka as he finished packing his things. He smiled when he was done and looked my way.

"Estelle, for the last time, I have somethings to take care of. Besides, you guys don't need me here. If I'm not needed then I have other things to do." he respond with a soft tone in his voice, obviously trying not to argue.

"We DO need you. How could you say such things?"

"Because, It's true. Look, since Lux and the others made friends with the humans at the hospital, there's no need for a doctor here. The humans there are sworn into secrecy with the gijinka who live here. If there nothing to be done here, I could be doing something else, somewhere else. Get it?" he was heading out the door and towards the mansion doors. I followed.

"Please don't go Zaishi-kun! What about the friend you met here?"

"Friends?" he paused for a moment and shook his head. "My only duty here was to heal. I hardly had time for that.. It was fun Estelle." he said reaching for the door knob. When he touched it, I grabbed hold of him. He sease to turn the knob . "Heh .. You know," he started. "Your cute when you don't get what you want." He then turn and kissed me on the cheek then whispered into my ear.

"Bummer we never got to second base, huh beautiful?" My face blushed a hard red and I backed up.

"W-What are you saying?!" I stuttered. He laughed.

"Hahaa, Oh nothing. Ya know.. I never got to tell her how I felt .. about her..." he told me. Just when I was about to ask who, he was out the house, and out of our lives.

End of flashback...

"Zaishi-kun... He had other matters to attend to else where. He won't be with us anymore.. Besides, the gijinka I know in this house have extrodinary medical skills.. We really didnt need a doctor after all ..." I sighed on that last statement. What Zaishi-kun was saying was partcially true. We heared a groan coming from Tanner-san. I got up and started walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Shola asked, sort of in a panicky tone. Fresia nodded, indicating she would like to know as well. I turned to face them.

"I'm going to get something from the kitchen so that Tanner-san may eat when he is awake. He would probably be hungry." I told them. " Please look over him until I return. I sure you guys won't let me down, ne?" I winked at them and they nodded. I then headed out the door, and walked towards the kitchen.

"Now... What should I give him to eat .. ?"

♥ Estelle

You like ? I'm just getting back on my feet with Roleplaying so please bare with me!
