Welcome to Fanfic! such an uncreative name oh well :P

It's an AU about D.Gray-Man that is happening *now* Twenty-first century with all the living D.Gray characters and our own characters ^w^

Enjoy the randomness!

*if you want extra info on any character (besides ones I've done extra on) just PM/comment and I will ^^

Characters and intro-ish thing
Want to join?

This morning

Yep, right after I posted that bit this morning we did some more, couldn't post it till now 'cause I had friends over(so fun XD). We might even do more tonight, it's only 8:34 after all!

l: let's go!
c: hehe
k: he's in the dinning hall right now
l: that makes it easy
k: mhm!
*dinning hall*
k: kaaaandaaa!
y: eh?
k: hai
y: hi kyan
k: I need one of your shirts
y: ......why?
k: because aki turned into a human
y: ....
l: yuu!! See? Kitty over here would apriciate it!
an: ......
y: .....
k: pleeeeeease?
y:*sighs* fine
k: yay!


Aaah!!! I just deleted like four messages off my phone that I hadn't typed in yet!!! DX so I'll try to do them from memory...

c:*walks up* lavi! hey la- who's that?!
l: this is aki
c: MY CAT??!!
l: yep...
c: D:
an: ....
l: heheh...I kind of turned him into a human...
an: I feel weird though...and cold *shivers*
c:*in shock*
l: .......*gives c some of the reverse syrum*
c: ow!!! *poof* hey! thanks lavi! *hugs*
l: ^^ your welcome
c:*hugs an*
c: warmer?
an: o.o ....
c: hehehe
Kirnen(ki):*walks up, stops* um...
c: haii kirnen!!!
ki: hello Caitta...
c: its aki!
c: isn't he cute?
ki: no
c: hehehe
ki: I don't think he's cute -.-
c: awww, poor kirnen *hugs ki*
c: hehe

-that's pretty much what I deleted, changed a bit no doubt, but as close as I can get, now onto what we really typed last night-

ki: so you're really aki?
an: yes...
ki: that worked on a full cat?
l: not entirely
ki: yeah...
c:*studying an* I think Nyro or Sou's stuff might fit on you
an: eh?
c: to wear, you can't go around in just pants
an: ...
c: hehehehe
ki: ....
l: you might be my size even...
an:......I don't understand
c: clothes sizes, you're about the same size as them so that means you might fit into their clothes
an: ah! ok, so the material you wear all the time is called clothes?
c: mhm!
an: interesting....

c: hehehe
an: :) I see
c: lets go get a shirt, who's got extras?
l: Yu.
c: huh? I don't-
l: yu-kun? kaaandaaaa?
c: oh...I don't know if that's a good idea...
an: kanda?
c: kind of scary, blue hair, girlfriend has white hair?
an: ah! scary slasher film swordsman!!! yeah!!
c+l: pfffft
an: ?
l: you've been calling him that?
an: ......yeah....?
c: Kyahahahaha!!!
an:*points to ki* he's "caitta's boyfriend with the boomerang."
c+ki: eh??
an: =^^=
l: hmmm... He's shorter than me...but taller than Sou... Kanda's our only option. I'll ask like the head nurse for his laundry or something...
ki: that's really, really creepy...
l: ......ask Kyan then
c: okaiii! Kyaaaan!!!
kyan(k):*comes in* yeeees?
c: we need one of Kanda's shirts.
k: ......???
c: for Aki *points*
k: oh...I won't ask...
an: hello caitta's friend with the scary eyes!!!
k: eh?!
an: ?
k: my eyes are SCARY?!?!
an: kind of.. they're always different colors...
k: D:
c: ........sorry....
k:.....D: ....I'm not scary...
l: you kinda are Kyan...but not as scary as Yu
k: so you guys need one of his shirts?
k: ok, be right back.
c:.....much easier than being laundry theives, riiiight lavi?

Day 3

Alright! Even though we went to a thingy in town earlier this evening, Kyan and I still managed to fanfic! :D :D not much though

k: the Science Department better come up with a reverse for this
y: yeah
s: mm
c:*shrugs* sure
ki: I hope they do to, I don't like being the only normal one...
c: hehehehehe *rubs head against ki's leg*
ki: ^^
Lavi(l):*comes running down the stairs, grabs s and runs back up*
s: what the hell???!!
l:*shakes head*
s:*stuggle* what're you doing?!
l:*gets into Science Section, pants* here...
s:*jumps down* what was that for?!
Reever(r): we think we've found a solution! *holding up syringe*

s: eh?!
r:*stabs with syringe*
s: what the- *poof*
r: haha!
s: yes!! I'm human again!!!!!
r: yes!!!!!
l: get everyone else!!!

s: ok! *grabs syringe and runs out*
l: me too! *grabs syringe and runs after Sou*
l: hey! *stabs ai*
ai: eh?! *poof* yay!!
l:*stabs y*
y: what the hell?! *poof* hey!
s:*stabs k*
k: eek! *poof* Kyaaah!!!! I'm human!!!! *hugs y and jumps up and down*

l: I'll go this way!
s: ok!
l:*runs into ark, sees another cat* hey, Caitta!! *stabs cat*
l: woa!
*cat was Caitta's, his name is Aki, he looks like Caitta does as a cat*
Aki(an):*staring at l*
l: um...you aren't Caitta...
an: ....
l:*feels kind of stupid*
an: why did you stab me? That hurt -.-
l: D: you can talk?!
an: .....you can understand me?

(then I sent Kyan a pic of Aki turned into a human, I'll describe best I can:
scruffy light gray hair that sort of falls over his ears, which are still cat's ears but they stick out to the side and are a slightly darker gray than his hair. He has bright green eyes that have like 80degree corners, sharp teeth, and a dark gray fluffy tail. Since he's about 2 1/2 years old he turned into a 17-18 year old. Also, he poofed into a guy with his same black collar and just dark jeans on =^^= )

an:*looks down at self* I'm.....I'm...ehh...
l: yeah, sorry about that, I thought you were Caitta...
an: why would you stab her with that?! *tail lashing*
l:*takes a step back* because she turned into a cat, this is the reverse syrum to it...
an: oh...she isn't here
l: right...
an: she's down at the butterfly one's nest (keep in mind, he's a cat, he doesn't know what a "house" is per se, he calls them "nests")
l: pffffft, the...butterfly one?
an: mmm, his butterflies are fun to play with
l:*trying not to laugh*

That's all!! :D I'll try to upload the picture of Aki in human form, he's pretty cute...

Skin's new job?

So *my* dad, Skin, needed a job. I thought he would be good as like a drummer from some band. I mean, he's big and muscley, it suits him. So, after listening to some of The Offspring's songs, I was thinking "he would fit right in this band..."(this was while walking the 1/2 mile or so to my house from my bus stop) So when I got home I searched The Offspring on Google. Turns out, the drummer has a blond-ish buzzcut....I can actually imagine Skin with a blond-ish buzzcut, it's funny :D

Skin's new job is the drummer for The Offspring. I don't really mind that they look nothing alike and it really doesn't make much sense, it's funny. And Caitta gets a famous parent XD She still doesn't like him though, before her comma she did, but after, forgetting who he was, she didn't like him anymore. He keeps trying to get on her good side but nothing's working, almost makes you feel bad for him :p

Day 2

Ok, onto today's actual fanfic!

c:*running around outside*
ki: come on caitta, lets go back
c: ok! *scampers off*
ki:*sighs, follows*
c:*scratches at door*
t:*opens door* hello?
c: hi!
t: ah! Hi caitta, I didn't see you...
c: hehehehe

t: you're still a cat?
c: *nod*
t: it's gotten to the point where I need to contact the Science Department about making a reversal serum...
t: Kanda keeps destroying articles of furniture, dishware, and some curtains...
c: hehehe
t: come on in guys. It's getting cold out

t: hey, tomorrow's Thanksgiving you know
ki: what?! It came that quickly??
t: heh, yep
c: what's Thanksgiving?
t: can you explain kirnen? I'm going to talk to the Science Department...
ki: ok!
c: see you!!
ki:*explains to c about Thanksgiving*
c: oh wow!!
ki: it's really fun, and since there are so many of us, it'll be great! ^^

c: I'm so excited XD
ki: yep!
c: I wanna eat sweet things... (she love anything sweet, just like her papa :3)
k:*walks in with y* yeah, for what?
ki+c: Thanksgiving!!!
k: when's that???
c: tomorrow...
k: ack!!!
c: what's wrong?
k: if someone calls, I'm not here!!! My parents will inevitably want me to come to Macy's for their Thanksgiving party...

c: Macy's party?
k: yeah...just a bunch of old people
c: hehehehe
ki: well we're kind of a family here too right? So you'd have to stay with us!
k: yeah!!
c: yay!!!
ki: ^^
k:*happy* now I won't have to spend time with boring old people!!!

k: hehe
c: we should invite akira and charlie too!
k: yeah!
y: ...

ki: don't they have their own families?
k+c: .....riiiight
ki: so they probably won't come
c: aw...
k: maybe the day after!
c:*perk* yeah!!
ki: they're determined......
k: I don't wanna be a cat for Thanksgiving though...
y: I didn't want to be a cat to begin with...
k: hehe
c: I like being a kitty! It's fun!!

y: it's hell...
c: o.o
k:*bites y's ear* bad kanda.
y: hrmf
k: I don't wanna be a cat anymore either!!!
y:*sigh* yep
t(he came back...?): I'm gonna go contact the Science Department...
y: thank god...I hate having a tail... and being fluffy...

c: XD fluffy Kaaandaaa!
y: shut up...
c: hehehe
k: it is funny...
y: grrr
t:*sighs* I'll go talk to them now...
c: ok!!
t:*goes upstairs into the ark* those of you who know the ark's door system, there is a door to the ark in Tyki's upstairs hallway, that's how they get from the order to Maine
c: how do we make Thanksgiving?
k: pfff
c: what?
k: you don't make it, you cook for it
c: oooh!! Yay!!

k: caitta... cooking?!
y: O.o
ki: I'll cook too!!!
k+y: O.O
k: meep
y: I don't wanna die...

k: me either....
Sou(s):*sitting on the couch in the other room, also a cat* if either of you cooks anything this meal will probably end up as a full infirmary rather than a happy gathering
c+ki: .......
s: I said it because it's true, sorry
c: ....how am I supposed to cook with paws?
ki: ....
c:*sigh* I guess we really shouldn't cook anyway...
s:*now feels bad* I'm sorry...

c: it's okaiii...

That's all for today! It's 10:02 *yawns* and I'm off to bed, I have school tomorrow, urg...