Skin's new job?

So *my* dad, Skin, needed a job. I thought he would be good as like a drummer from some band. I mean, he's big and muscley, it suits him. So, after listening to some of The Offspring's songs, I was thinking "he would fit right in this band..."(this was while walking the 1/2 mile or so to my house from my bus stop) So when I got home I searched The Offspring on Google. Turns out, the drummer has a blond-ish buzzcut....I can actually imagine Skin with a blond-ish buzzcut, it's funny :D

Skin's new job is the drummer for The Offspring. I don't really mind that they look nothing alike and it really doesn't make much sense, it's funny. And Caitta gets a famous parent XD She still doesn't like him though, before her comma she did, but after, forgetting who he was, she didn't like him anymore. He keeps trying to get on her good side but nothing's working, almost makes you feel bad for him :p
