Day 2

Ok, onto today's actual fanfic!

c:*running around outside*
ki: come on caitta, lets go back
c: ok! *scampers off*
ki:*sighs, follows*
c:*scratches at door*
t:*opens door* hello?
c: hi!
t: ah! Hi caitta, I didn't see you...
c: hehehehe

t: you're still a cat?
c: *nod*
t: it's gotten to the point where I need to contact the Science Department about making a reversal serum...
t: Kanda keeps destroying articles of furniture, dishware, and some curtains...
c: hehehe
t: come on in guys. It's getting cold out

t: hey, tomorrow's Thanksgiving you know
ki: what?! It came that quickly??
t: heh, yep
c: what's Thanksgiving?
t: can you explain kirnen? I'm going to talk to the Science Department...
ki: ok!
c: see you!!
ki:*explains to c about Thanksgiving*
c: oh wow!!
ki: it's really fun, and since there are so many of us, it'll be great! ^^

c: I'm so excited XD
ki: yep!
c: I wanna eat sweet things... (she love anything sweet, just like her papa :3)
k:*walks in with y* yeah, for what?
ki+c: Thanksgiving!!!
k: when's that???
c: tomorrow...
k: ack!!!
c: what's wrong?
k: if someone calls, I'm not here!!! My parents will inevitably want me to come to Macy's for their Thanksgiving party...

c: Macy's party?
k: yeah...just a bunch of old people
c: hehehehe
ki: well we're kind of a family here too right? So you'd have to stay with us!
k: yeah!!
c: yay!!!
ki: ^^
k:*happy* now I won't have to spend time with boring old people!!!

k: hehe
c: we should invite akira and charlie too!
k: yeah!
y: ...

ki: don't they have their own families?
k+c: .....riiiight
ki: so they probably won't come
c: aw...
k: maybe the day after!
c:*perk* yeah!!
ki: they're determined......
k: I don't wanna be a cat for Thanksgiving though...
y: I didn't want to be a cat to begin with...
k: hehe
c: I like being a kitty! It's fun!!

y: it's hell...
c: o.o
k:*bites y's ear* bad kanda.
y: hrmf
k: I don't wanna be a cat anymore either!!!
y:*sigh* yep
t(he came back...?): I'm gonna go contact the Science Department...
y: thank god...I hate having a tail... and being fluffy...

c: XD fluffy Kaaandaaa!
y: shut up...
c: hehehe
k: it is funny...
y: grrr
t:*sighs* I'll go talk to them now...
c: ok!!
t:*goes upstairs into the ark* those of you who know the ark's door system, there is a door to the ark in Tyki's upstairs hallway, that's how they get from the order to Maine
c: how do we make Thanksgiving?
k: pfff
c: what?
k: you don't make it, you cook for it
c: oooh!! Yay!!

k: caitta... cooking?!
y: O.o
ki: I'll cook too!!!
k+y: O.O
k: meep
y: I don't wanna die...

k: me either....
Sou(s):*sitting on the couch in the other room, also a cat* if either of you cooks anything this meal will probably end up as a full infirmary rather than a happy gathering
c+ki: .......
s: I said it because it's true, sorry
c: am I supposed to cook with paws?
ki: ....
c:*sigh* I guess we really shouldn't cook anyway...
s:*now feels bad* I'm sorry...

c: it's okaiii...

That's all for today! It's 10:02 *yawns* and I'm off to bed, I have school tomorrow, urg...
