Hi, everyone! Welcome to RaspberrySammich! My internet studio-away-from-home! My friends and fellow real-worlders, Battousai-chan & Zhen-chan, welcome you! Feel free to leave a comment, or question during you stay, K? This WORLD is dedicated to my hardworking friends, but mainly to the dedication of my art! If you want to leave requests or ideas, do so! I may not get to all of them, but I'll do my best! One thing...NO YAOI/YURI! Sorry, but that's the only thing. Well. Um...I think that's about it. I'll be adding more stuff in the future. Maybe even a disscussion board! :D Good evening to you all!


I really appreciate everyone who sent me a PM or wished me a happy birthday through my guestbook! I was so caught off guard when I saw the comments! XDDD You guys RUUUULE!!! *epic huggles* Really did make my day~!

I turned 16 yesterday~~~! *dances* It's hard to discribe, but I feel...different, but not "old". lol Guess I'm lucky! XDDD *brick'd*

My birthday cake was a wee bit different than from the ones from years past. Since I am on a One Piece hype, I got a chocolate leopard-print cake~~~! A slice of cake to anyone who knows what character I'm referring too. ;D I would have gotten a giraffe-print cake(since Kaku's birthday was just 2 days before mine), but it was a cheesy-looking yellow/brown square pattern. Not cute at all...

Most of the gifts I received weren't really a surprise. Hehehe... My mom got me a Rock Band system, but let me play with it early since I won't get much time in before school starts back. Blargh! My dad also got me the 2nd season of D. Gray-man and the 1st season of Ouran High School Host Club on DVD!!! Yaaaay~! I've flipped through the manga, but I like the anime better~! My grandma got me some awesome dark grey/lavender tennis shoes~! And my uncle got me a Barnes and Noble gift card~~~! IT HAS PIRATES ON IT!!!! :DDD Yay~!

Happy birthday to me~~~! Also, Since today is August 10, Lavi's (D. Gray-man) birthday is today! CELEBRATE IF YOU'RE A FAN! XDDD lol

To finish off, I'd like to thank everyone who wished me a happy b-day and I hope you all have a great year ahead of you as well~! THANKS!!!

With much luv,

