I really appreciate everyone who sent me a PM or wished me a happy birthday through my guestbook! I was so caught off guard when I saw the comments! XDDD You guys RUUUULE!!! *epic huggles* Really did make my day~!

I turned 16 yesterday~~~! *dances* It's hard to discribe, but I feel...different, but not "old". lol Guess I'm lucky! XDDD *brick'd*

My birthday cake was a wee bit different than from the ones from years past. Since I am on a One Piece hype, I got a chocolate leopard-print cake~~~! A slice of cake to anyone who knows what character I'm referring too. ;D I would have gotten a giraffe-print cake(since Kaku's birthday was just 2 days before mine), but it was a cheesy-looking yellow/brown square pattern. Not cute at all...

Most of the gifts I received weren't really a surprise. Hehehe... My mom got me a Rock Band system, but let me play with it early since I won't get much time in before school starts back. Blargh! My dad also got me the 2nd season of D. Gray-man and the 1st season of Ouran High School Host Club on DVD!!! Yaaaay~! I've flipped through the manga, but I like the anime better~! My grandma got me some awesome dark grey/lavender tennis shoes~! And my uncle got me a Barnes and Noble gift card~~~! IT HAS PIRATES ON IT!!!! :DDD Yay~!

Happy birthday to me~~~! Also, Since today is August 10, Lavi's (D. Gray-man) birthday is today! CELEBRATE IF YOU'RE A FAN! XDDD lol

To finish off, I'd like to thank everyone who wished me a happy b-day and I hope you all have a great year ahead of you as well~! THANKS!!!

With much luv,

