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Help Me Out and Take This Poll!

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I need to know how many of each colour of the 3DS I should make for artist alley. Here's the poll:

The more people, the more accurate. Please and thank you!

Also, if you're not in the area where Chibi Pa is being held and want to get a hold on my comic LoveNote or any of the cute little keychains/straps I'm making, don't worry! As soon as I finish LoveNote, I will have a shop open and I'll let you know when it's up :)

Chibi Pa Artist Alley Keychains

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Hey, look, art! Kind of. But hey, at least it’s something, right?

These are the keychains/charm straps I’ll have at Chibi Pa. The 3DS logos match up with the released colours of the 3DS in the US, so if another colour is up for release before Chibi Pa, I’ll most likely add it in to keep it accurate (I think they’re gonna at the Ice White one next, it’s in Japan right now). Not too many people have the pink one, so I won’t make as many of those.

I had a lot of fun designing the LoveNote game card! I was trying to tweak “Jenni Does Art” into the Nintendo 3DS logo, but it didn’t look right. So I used my regular logo instead, and I feel it fits pretty well. Then my URL is in the bottom where the numbers usually are, I tried to use a font that mimicked that font to make it blend in more.

I’m not too fond of the unoriginal, way-too-overdone-but-still-popular pixelated heart, so unless anyone shouts out HEY KEEP IT, then I won’t be making it.

These won’t be those thin laminated paper charms, I always felt like those were a bit cheaply done. I understand that there’s really nice laminate out there, but it looks less professional and I always feel bad when I don’t buy one that I liked the art of. I found this nice tutorial online to make really nice, high-quality charms using a special Shrinky Dink paper that you print out from your computer instead of colouring in(which I also thought looked too childish), and then coating it with a special waterproof seal that you melt down on top. They look so good that you’d think you bought them in a store! Check it out:

So, should the pixelated heart stay or go?

A Sketch With Colour

Since it's not completed and there's 2 forms, I decided to upload this sketch in a post. Sketched this last night when I should’ve been sleeping. Then I added some colour just for reference for when I ink it and colour it for real. I wanted their outfits to resemble their Mii’s. What do you think?

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Thank you, C C C!!

When I saw this, I went emotional. C C C on went and did a fanart of Quinn and Kei. This had never happened to me before and I just kinda sat there, staring at it. Then when I turned my laptop around to show my boyfriend I burst into tears, I was so happy. It's really encouraged me to finish this as soon as possible, because there ARE people that want to read it. Recently I had been feeling like it was just taking me way too long and nobody was really paying attention or would be that interested in reading it. But this showed me that there are, and they're rooting me on. So thank you--first to CCC and second to everyone else who's keeping up with my LoveNote updates. Thank you all so very much!!

Working on LoveNote

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This is actually a tiny panel, and I'm putting way too much time into it because of my habit of wanting to put in detail. But it's the last panel on this page, then it's on to the next one!

My inactivity is due to me working on my 4 chapter one-shot comic LoveNote. LoveNote is about a barista, Kei, and a frequent customer, Quinn, who start out rocky but become anonymous friends due their frequent StreetPass interactions--they always have the 3DS on them, and are near enough to each other when she's waiting for him to make her drink. She sends him her friend code on their next StreetPass so that they can talk via SwapNote. The barista learns who his mysterious friend is and falls for her after learning about her softer side in her messages, but she still doesn't know who he is. To make matters worse, she hates his guts in real life, and has a boyfriend to boot! What's Kei to do?

I'll be printing this probably at the end of Summer, and saving copies for the local convention in November. Would anyone be interested in buying LoveNote online?

To see more updates on my progress for LoveNote, go to my website/tumblr sketch blog! Subscribe for all updates and random sketches!