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Help Me Out and Take This Poll!

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I need to know how many of each colour of the 3DS I should make for artist alley. Here's the poll:

The more people, the more accurate. Please and thank you!

Also, if you're not in the area where Chibi Pa is being held and want to get a hold on my comic LoveNote or any of the cute little keychains/straps I'm making, don't worry! As soon as I finish LoveNote, I will have a shop open and I'll let you know when it's up :)

Strep Throat and Keychains

So I've got strep for the first time in my life. Some of my friends used to get it repeatedly, but this is the first time I've had it. I HATE IT. It's like I've got angry little dragon/cat things scratching at my eardrums. My throat's so swollen that it's actually puffing up under my skin. And I wake up screaming from pain, like I'm possessed. I never get headaches, and this is ridiculous. What do you do to deal with this? All I've got is tea, Ensure, soup, and meds.

Also, you know those acrylic jewelry and keychains? They look like this:
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I know there's solid coloured ones and people make it multicoloured by layering, but these and others I've found it's more of a solid base and the image looked like it's printed on top. I want to make acrylic keychains and necklaces as presents for my friends and possibly to promote my comic at future conventions. Anyone know where or how?

