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Cal-kun's Art...

...or doodles, either phrase will do-CalWoof(more commonly known as Cal-kun from my comic G33K!! Offline)(more proof to you guys that my life is indeed like that comic, since he's, y'know, real?) finally uploaded some of his shtuff onto theO =O *gasp*. So, go to his fan art and check it out-he's gonna be a cartoonist someday, I know it. Prolly not in the manga form, but definitely a good one =3

GO TEAM GO!! (spaz)

I keep forgetting that changed the design of this-I keep imagining my world still gray and black with the caffeine formula to the side x_x

For those of you who haven't seen the new fan art posted by both me and Minto, the G33K!! project officially has 2 members!!!!(me and Minto). She'll be handling the more detailed side of screen tones, GIMPing/Photoshop-ing, and other shiz while I handle the drawing part of the comic(linearts and such) and the storyline(this is a slice-of-life manga, so the storyline's not gonna be very visable...)

I'm still working on those prizes for the winners of my contest-I ask you to be patient, as I suck at life due to my procrastination habits =/(that explains why you guys haven't seen any G33K!! project pages except for the side comic G33K!! Offline).

KaidaFaye out!!(not really, I might still have this tab open-Firefox kiss massive arse)

The Results...

Well, I've finally decided on the winners...!
PLAID entry: 1st place-Ihjiry Yamaguchi 2nd place-Minto
GUITAR entry: 1st place-Ryujin Kissaten 2nd place-narutoKHfighter
DRUMMER entry: 1st place-narutoKHfighter

Congratulations to all of you! Now, I must go forth and draw up the prizes. Winners, don't forget to respond to your PMs with what character you would like me to draw. Please include and questions you may have regarding the prizes via email([email protected]), PM, or comments. Thank you once again for entering!
-a motivated KF

Entries so far...

For contest details, please go here. Remember, it ends no later than July 5th!!
So far, I have received entries from two people-Ihjiry Yamaguchi and Minto! But I still need entries for the BASS, GUITAR, AND DRUMS categories, so please do your best to send me your ideas, otay?

Left:Ihjiry's entry Right:Minto's entry

On a different note, I've fixed the problem with the scanner in the corner of the room, so now I can finally upload my crap cleanly and not have to worry about unwanted shadows and thumbs and unclear photos! I'll be resubmitting the picture-phone captured pieces from my portfolio using my scanner so you guys can see the details clearly. =D Look forward to them soon, and I strongly encourage you to participate in the contest!(see 1st block of this post)
-and elated KF

You should know the feeling...

When you finish your homework and set it before you on a nice clean desk;
When you finish that computer program you've been working on for 36 hours straight;
When you finish a page for a new manga you came up with the night before...
Yup, you know that feeling when something similar to these scenarios above happen to ya. I was in bed reading a manga I had since elementary school and i look up and look at my closed laptop-what do I see? A new detailed sketch for an insert for my main comic and dream: G33K!! It was then that I had a plan...

...but you're not gonna know it yet! (heart)

-a blissful KaidaFaye