Entries so far...

For contest details, please go here. Remember, it ends no later than July 5th!!
So far, I have received entries from two people-Ihjiry Yamaguchi and Minto! But I still need entries for the BASS, GUITAR, AND DRUMS categories, so please do your best to send me your ideas, otay?

Left:Ihjiry's entry Right:Minto's entry

On a different note, I've fixed the problem with the scanner in the corner of the room, so now I can finally upload my crap cleanly and not have to worry about unwanted shadows and thumbs and unclear photos! I'll be resubmitting the picture-phone captured pieces from my portfolio using my scanner so you guys can see the details clearly. =D Look forward to them soon, and I strongly encourage you to participate in the contest!(see 1st block of this post)
-and elated KF
