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My Brother is my Subject

Mon Oct 5, 2009, 2:31 AM

* Mood: Tired
* Listening to: "Anthem Part II"-Blink-182

I'm doing an assignment for my AP Art class--i have to fill 4 pages in my sketchbook on an artist relating to my theme("How my childhood affected how I am today"), and since my brother was the main artist in my childhood, I'm using him for my homework =D I don't have a scanner and printer at the moment, and it's due tomorrow, so as we speak he's drawing his signature eye for me in my sketchbook(he'll sign it so that the teacher knows i didn't copy what he did, since i'm doing it on HIS work, not mine).

The first page is a portrait I did of him, and it turned out better than I expected. I'll try to scan it in tomorrow so you guys can see =3

Went to the beach today with Cal, Sandro, Mo, and Michael--very fun. Do you remember Superman ice cream? The multicoloured vanilla ice cream? Sandro got me a cone of it--sooooo good <3 Yay childhood memories.

Ok, back to work!!


PS--Prolly not gonna sleep tonight, since I'm still far from being done with this =( WHY DID I HAVE TO FORGET ABOUT THIS ASSIGNMENT?! DX

Dammit DX

Fri Jul 24, 2009, 10:02 PM

* Mood: Guilty
* Listening to: "Saint Jimmy"-Green Day

I just realized today I only have 8 pages left in my "drawing pad" =( There's lots of stuff in here I didn't scan in or upload, which means when I actually get a day where I scan in my previous sketchbook, I'll have to scan in this one too...well, not bad--this one only has 50 sheets. I'll have to figure out what to use for a sketchbook now, since my fairy got the one I'm currently using. Meanwhile, I'll erase some stupid things so I have more usable pages.

Filipino moms are so bipolar--Mo, this is why I couldn't go with you to see Grease today =(--It's amazing how I give my mom all the information beforehand and halfway there she starts complaining about what she calmly agreed to earlier (x_x). I'm not allowed to ask her to go anywhere for a while either, especially the Playhouse.

I wish I could go out with friends and boyfriends and not have my parents become overprotective and anal about every little detail, especially after they agree to the plan. Only 1.5 more years, and I don't have to worry anymore =3 Then two months in Mo's place while I find a permanent place to stay. Maybe with my fairy, who knows. I told my brother a while ago that I'm moving out when I turned 18/graduate high school and that my dad acknowledged it, but then he made me feel guilty about it. He said "So you're just gonna leave Mom and Dad by themselves?" I really wanted to say "Well, you could stay with them, you're always ending up back at the house anyway", but I couldn't; that's too mean--and he would be pissed. I hate it when Judd's pissed, especially when it's at me and/or it's about something stupid, like asking him to do something he was supposed to do anyway...Does that make me a bad sister? I always wondered that. I love him to death and I wish he could just live a carefree life, but sometimes he acts more like a selfish spoiled brat than I least I help around the place I live at. I told him to help me wash the dishes and he snapped back saying "I don't need to be told what to do by my little sister!" and shut me out of the's HIS chore DX

Whoops, I'm complaining. Shut up, Jenni.

