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Still Hiatus...

Well, I have regular internet access again, but now I lack a scanner-which sucks because my sketchbook is almost full of pics you won't be able to see for a looooong time X3

Minto and I worked out a new G33|<!! Promo plot to use for Chibi-Pa 2009, since we're getting a table this time. And I have more time to make this promo good-I finished the first page's rough draft about an hour ago, so I need to show it to her tomorrow to see if it's ok. The beginning's a bit different from what we changed it to, but I think it works better this way-more interesting(and better-drawn). While Calwoof was reading over the newer script for the thing, he kept going on about how horrible my grammar was/is =( I will make this known: MY GRAMMAR SUCKS AND I CAN'T SPELL FOR SHIT!! 8D
I'm thinking of making a tutorial of sorts...more of a "How to be a Mangaka with a Limited Budget" kinda thing(I'll work on the title, okay?) It'll be quite large, so I'll make it a downloadable PDF file =D It won't teach people how to draw-more like teach them how to get better on their own with coming up with ideas and bettering their talents with stuff you don't have to go to a super-dee-duper expensive art/specialty supply store for.
Anyway, I just had the urge to update since I haven't done anything for about a month and this page looked more neglected than usual...that's it for the professional stuff, so you can stop reading here, if you like =D
So, about 2 days left and it'll be two months with my current boyfriend, and I must say-I quite like this one =D He'll be my 2nd longest relationship and counting. My brother and his girlfriend will be 6yrs on the 20th of this month-since they've been together since high school, they give me a sense of hope; I've never been one for long-term relationships for some reason-Minto and my friend Mikey said it was because of my fear of commitment, and I agree-but I think I'm over it now *thumbs up*.
Been trying to get healthier-exercise and such-but I've GOT to stop staying up so darn's past 3am and I has school tomorrow...I don't think I'm sleeping tonight. I'm gonna take a shower 'round 5 I guess; don't wanna be tired AND filthy =(
...I'm hungry-time for some 3:10am dinner!

Another All-Nighter....meh.

Well, hello. It's three minutes to 1am where I am. I'm making myself stay up all night tonight so that I can finish my biology homework(I'm almost done! 1 paragraph to go), get back on my regular sleeping schedule since I messed it up during the break, and to um...actually start that 30 chapters I was supposed to have read...during this whole week off from school...due Tuesday...yeah-I know, I'm practically screwed. BUT I'LL GET IT DONE SOMEHOW!!!!!
I'm updating my gallery right there should be a new picture soon when you follow the link.
I already uploaded all the pictures on my Imeem account.
So basically, I'm just munching on some Eggo Waffles, sipping away at my Mountain Dew(there's currently two empty cans, and counting), and washing my face so that I can stay awake.
This post is giving me a break right now. And sadly, it is coming to an end...
Well, hope this post finds you guys well!

-a caffeinated and achey KF

A Peak Into KF's Day

I was supposed to go to the mall today with a couple of friends, and I waited all day for my dad to come home "in fifteen minutes". So while my day wasted away, I spent four hours playing assorted Final Fantasy games, two hours cleaning ...

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Ah...Spring Break...

...The time in which geeks like myself indulge in the wonderful and refreshing battlefields of RPGs online and off. The time when slutty female teens show off their bods to the naturally perverted guys on the beach and the pool. The ...

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I watch the Interwebz

I'm definitely in love with Taiwanese guys. I've given maybe 98% (at least) watching Taiwanese dramas online. Yes, yes-it's not anime, but I love getting to know the other side of the world other than Japan, y'know?

Actually, some of the dramas I was watching were adopted from manga.

I also watch a bunch of anime on the Interwebz as well-finished more than 5 series already over winter break 'til February and I'm commited to this other anime as well (Clannad). And I keep getting mad when I look at the updates and there isn't another episode uploaded-same goes for those Taiwanese dramas.
I have concluded two things so far-
1. I no longer watch live TV when I can simply open my laptop and
2. I'm marrying a Taiwanese guy.

KaidaFaye OUT!!!