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Thu Aug 6, 2009, 1:48 PM

* Mood: Dazed
* Listening to: "Torn"-Natalie Imbruglia
* Eating: Vanilla yogurt with chocolate syrup

Been doing line art since last night, I'm on page 4's now. I'm killing myself because I left parts blank during the draft, so while I'm darkening the lines so I can see them easier on the light table, I'm also filling in the blank and incomplete panels. On the bright side, it's going faster than I expected.

I just wish I wasn't such a night person sometimes. Night, like 9pm and onward, are my working hours--so I never get sufficient sleep during school if I want to do well in my classes. Unless I'm in a classroom, I can't concentrate at all(but even in a classroom my mind tends to wander).

How do you guys get yourselves to work? I mean, it's kind of ridiculous if I can't bring myself to work on something I LIKE to do...


Kicking Mushrooms

Tue Jul 28, 2009, 2:58 AM

* Mood: Outraged
* Listening to: "Somnambulist"-BT
* Drinking: Water very fun =D So, I found out earlier today(technically yesterday now) that the main character in Burton's Alice in Wonderland is not's the freaking Mad Hatter. Dammit, Depp--yes, you're a great actor BUT YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THE FUCKING LEAD DX.

I'm a big Carroll fan and I know I'm gonna be watching the movie and cringing when something happens that wasn't really supposed all movies-based-on-books go. Calvin, we better be kicking some serious mushrooms after the movie.

Sent my fairy home with a bento lunch(and chopsticks) for him to eat at work tomorrow(pulling a double shift=17hrs)...I have a feeling he'll need more food than that =( After tomorrow, he won't have work for the rest of the week...stupid economy--Target is a horrible place to work, don't work there unless you absolutely have to!! Since that's his only source of income, he's gonna be kind of screwed...he should go kick some mushrooms.


Another All-Nighter....meh.

Well, hello. It's three minutes to 1am where I am. I'm making myself stay up all night tonight so that I can finish my biology homework(I'm almost done! 1 paragraph to go), get back on my regular sleeping schedule since I messed it up during the break, and to um...actually start that 30 chapters I was supposed to have read...during this whole week off from school...due Tuesday...yeah-I know, I'm practically screwed. BUT I'LL GET IT DONE SOMEHOW!!!!!
I'm updating my gallery right there should be a new picture soon when you follow the link.
I already uploaded all the pictures on my Imeem account.
So basically, I'm just munching on some Eggo Waffles, sipping away at my Mountain Dew(there's currently two empty cans, and counting), and washing my face so that I can stay awake.
This post is giving me a break right now. And sadly, it is coming to an end...
Well, hope this post finds you guys well!

-a caffeinated and achey KF

Ah...Spring Break...

...The time in which geeks like myself indulge in the wonderful and refreshing battlefields of RPGs online and off. The time when slutty female teens show off their bods to the naturally perverted guys on the beach and the pool. The ...

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