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I Always Nap After the First Day of School

Wed Aug 19, 2009, 1:52 AM

* Mood: Tired
* Listening to: "Ironic"-covered by Four Year Strong

It's true, I do--ever since 6th grade actually. Today's lasted 5 hours though--which is why I'm still awake. I'm waiting for the washer to finish so I can stick my jeans in the dryer...I'm not done with my back-to-school shopping, so I still have to wash my jeans about every other day, the usable jeans. I can't get away with ripped up(and I mean RIPPED--like I stuck them in a blender with sharp objects) jeans 'til winter vacation. Can't wait until the next holiday =D

Spent 4.5hours in the guidance office with other people waiting to get my schedule to get my schedule's just impossible...AP Psych conflicted with Spanish 4, so they put me in Spanish 5; I dunno how I can survive, since I barely paid attention in Spanish 2(it skips from 2 to 4 because our school is just FANTASTIC). Met some pretty awesome people though, all from saying that I wanted pancakes. My friend Black Jap(his name is actually CJ but I nicknamed him since he's Blackanese) owed me pancakes from Free Pancake Day at IHOP and I didn't have breakfast, so I decided to have some fun and pester him about it. Then I said it a bit too loud and some guy(his names Logan and he's fucking amazing <3) was like "Hey, I want pancakes" and we became this li'l group of 5 wanting pancakes...then I went on to sing the old Winnie the Pooh song("Gotta get up, gotta get going..."--that theme was in my head since right when I woke up for school x_x) and Logan joined in on the chorus. Then he listened to his iPod and sang along to all those old songs from the 90s--and now I'm into Four Year Strong(too bad he has a gf of 6months in Maine). None of us got to eat lunch either. I ended up eating mine in class when I got back =/ I didn't even finish DX.

Anywho, the washer's done--so I'm gonna stick my clothes in the dryer and head to bed. *smack kiss* GOODNIGHT EVERYBODY!


God, I'm Stupid

Sun Aug 9, 2009, 2:41 PM

* Mood: Moving on
* Listening to: Japanese Conversation
* Eating: Corned Beef and Rice
* Drinking: Tang and Water

I was watching anime(what else?) and I had my headphones on, but I never plugged the headphones in. So, halfway through the episode I realized why the sound was kind of muffled and I went to scratch my ear and the headphones were in the way (x_x). I think the lack of physical contact is getting to me.

Doing a quick job today in about 2.5hours--moving furniture again for my divorced cousin for $20--it's not much, but it's something.

Fought with my parents a li'l while ago about moving. My mom went on about how my neighbour/friend moved in with her boyfriend after she graduated. I told her I didn't see the problem with it and started accusing me of moving in with a boyfriend after I graduate. I told her if I have one and it's convenient for school or work, then I would and she started going off on me and saying how I shouldn't expect any money from them for school or rent if I do that--for cripes sake, I haven't done anything yet and i'm getting in trouble. Blew off some steam at Josh's, will blow off more moving furniture 2-3x my size.


Line Art

Thu Aug 6, 2009, 1:48 PM

* Mood: Dazed
* Listening to: "Torn"-Natalie Imbruglia
* Eating: Vanilla yogurt with chocolate syrup

Been doing line art since last night, I'm on page 4's now. I'm killing myself because I left parts blank during the draft, so while I'm darkening the lines so I can see them easier on the light table, I'm also filling in the blank and incomplete panels. On the bright side, it's going faster than I expected.

I just wish I wasn't such a night person sometimes. Night, like 9pm and onward, are my working hours--so I never get sufficient sleep during school if I want to do well in my classes. Unless I'm in a classroom, I can't concentrate at all(but even in a classroom my mind tends to wander).

How do you guys get yourselves to work? I mean, it's kind of ridiculous if I can't bring myself to work on something I LIKE to do...



Sat Aug 1, 2009, 4:57 PM

* Mood: Screwed
* Listening to: "Jerk"-Huang Yida
* Eating: Celery with peanut butter and raisins
* Drinking: Orange Juice

It hit me this morning when I was watching Ranma 1/2--I need to figure who else I'm cosplaying for Chibi-Pa. The first day, Judd and I are cosplaying boy- and female-type Ranma(Ranma 1/2) and the second day I may/may NOT be dressing up lolita. The third day, I don't know who =( Or I can just dress up in otaku gear. HELP ME!!!

Oh, then there's also the fact I need to have some kind of martial arts into me if I'm cosplaying ranma--GO ANYTHING GOES MARTIAL ARTS!!

PS-Still comicking.


Comic Full Speed Ahead!!

Thu Jul 30, 2009, 2:42 PM

* Mood: Not Impressed
* Listening to: "LIFE"-Kimaguren
* Eating: Celery with peanut butter and raisins
* Drinking: Orange Juice

Full speed ahead, since I only have about two weeks left to finish the line art for the pages. Started working on the new cover last night, but Minto and I still think it could be better...I don't have any other good ideas =< I'm aiming for finishing three pages today, to bring me up to page 13; then another 3 pages tomorrow.

When I'm done with the line art for the new cover and a line art of an alternative cover, I'll upload both and will beg you guys to say which you would be more likely to pick up. Please cooperate =D Because, I have a feeling Minto wants to get this done more than I do <3 Good thing she's my editor, or else I would've done absolutely nothing regarding this promo. Thanks, Mo!