yeah, this is a place that i get to vent with poems....
your welcome to comment or request anything; I do haikus and the type of poems i write here(if you can even call it that).

Time to Breath

It's Time to Breath.
It's time to release your soul from the hell of your body.
The scars on your skin,
the pain that your in.
It's time to say goodbye.
Bid fair well to your earthly attachments,
and let the Heavenly Father take you in.
The emotions that you felt,
and the pain that you have delt,
to others not many times before.
Do not worry though,
for he is forgiving and understanding.
His arm stretched out wide,
you go to him in stride.
Now your at peace,
"thank you for the sweet release."

Authors note: wow, considering i'm not religious what so ever this came to a surprise to me that i was writing about God. I just let the words flow onto the computer and this is what i get. For this being totally random, i actually like this. :3

Re post of: Never Ending Tunnle

i'm a fucking useless bitch....
i should have no-one but yet i do.
I look into the tunnel that is my life,
there is almost all darkness but i see it,
i see the end.
"Its so far..." i think in aw,
but then i see a outline of a figure with light all around, it looks familiar.
"hey thats...!" i think frantically, but the figure has already turned,
leaving me behind.
"Wait for me!" I shout while walking, hoping for the figure to hear,
but it keeps going but now a little faster.
it's like i'm just running in place,
not really moving,
but the figure was the only one actually moving.
I speed up, it speeds up,
I slow down, it goes even faster.
I break into a sprint, "Please wait! dont leave me!"
tears are streaming down my face,
the figure was gone,
the light with it,
I curled up into a ball, crying.
"Why do i do this to myself? They all end up hating me in the end..."
I looked into the darkness with a blank stare,
i closed my eyes,
never to wake again....


My heart.
Once able to feel love
has now been left in the shadows.
Shrouded in sorrow,
I keep on moving,
waiting for something called "tomorrow".
Feeling depressed,
feeling hurt,
I put on my mask;
but on the inside my eyes are misty,
warm with fresh tears.
These emotions are tarring me in two!
As I continue to cry on the inside,
I still don't know what to do...
Sometimes i want to cut,
just to see it fall.
I fee anger and despair,
just thinking of her makes me angry!
Feeling broken,
feeling betrayed,
my life is one big sherade.
This is not me,
I just want to break free,
what is believed to be me...


rising inside of me!
I can't get to you,
long enough to say i love you!
My head is spinning,
my heart is aching,
I didn't know you would hurt me so,
I didn't know it would hurt this much to care.
You move away while i try to come.
I'm on moving ice,
your on solid ground.
Question is,
should I end us?