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Welcome to the Hetalia Family!

The basic purpose of this world is to gather as many Hetalia fans out there on the Otaku in one world! We mainly roleplaying here with each member as one country. We also share pictures and other Hetalia related media. Please join us in conquering the world the international fun!

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Merry Christmas!!!

Z novym rokom i rizdvom chrystovym!! Merry Christmas to you all

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Hope you will enjoy these holidays

Merry Christmas~

Merry Christmas to everybody :D


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I live in America but I'm Viet ;A;
So I used google (google is your best friend) and it said it was Christmas :D

Merry Christmas~

Even though it's probably not Christmas yet in a lot of places (my home include), it's never to early to celebrate the holidays~!!

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Hope everyone has a great time and gets loads of presents!


Found this picture and thought it was adorable <3

Original image: Here

Merry Christmas!

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M-Merry Christmas everyone...
T-This is so embarrassing...

have a drawing of iceland i drew!
Just saying it now, since i might not be able to get on tomorrow

Xien Chao ;A;

Xien Chao ;A;
I'm Vietnam and feel free to talk to me :D
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LOOL I'm only used to roleplay weird peoples XD
Pic was from Photobucket