Hello • Bonjour • Hallo • Ciao • こんにちは • Привет • 你好

Welcome to the Hetalia Family!

The basic purpose of this world is to gather as many Hetalia fans out there on the Otaku in one world! We mainly roleplaying here with each member as one country. We also share pictures and other Hetalia related media. Please join us in conquering the world the international fun!

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From Where We Come From!

America is standing right by me for once! ^^ And I... forgot that I came originally from France because it's been so long... >_>


(Ignore the title, please. lol) It seems I've fallen in love with this picture. I know every character in this picture and it seems that Korea climbing up China's pant leg throws me into a fit of giggles cause it's just so cute.

So, today is the day after Christmas, huh? Hope you guys got what you wanted for Christmas! This picture is filled with chibi countries and adult countries! (I'll let you lot know now that it took me awhile to recognize all of the chibi countries XD) I'll stop my talking now so I can let you all go and leave my long rants. DX


Hello and Happy Holidays! ^-^

Dia duit!I'm Ireland!My birthday is December 6th! . I like music (particularly Celtic music) and dancing and I am very creative. When I am bored, I have a tendency to start doing random things without any explanation (singing/humming random tunes that make no sense, scribbling weird doodles on paper, etc.). I usually come up with ideas spontaneously and don't need any inspiration to do so, although when I am inspired, my ideas can be quite strange (or so others say). And like my brother, England/Britain, I can also see mythical creatures. My friend is Techie, who is a handy little fairy who is good with technology (shocking for a fairy, right?).

I hope to be friends with everybody, so please be kind to me! <3

To everyone out there (even though this is a little late ^^;):
Ba mhaith liom tú Nollaig Shona agus Athbhliain faoi!
(I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!)

I'm really glad I was able to join the Hetalia group on theOtaku! Especially since I finally get to use Ceara, after working on her for so long. Her appearance will probably change a lot as I work with her, but it'll still be her. She actually has two little curls on the top of her head (not unlike the Italy's), although I'm not sure why I added that to her?

Merry Christmas from Denmark~

External Image

I'm so tired so please pardon any anatomy fail and yeah.
I've been really busy the past few days ( that's why I never replied to anyone, I'm really Sorry) because of Convention preparations, and then the news of my uncle passing away the day before Christmas Eve :
but...anyways, enough of that
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and have a Happy New Year~!
~ w ~

Merry Christmas from Canada

Merry Christmas, eh? Glad everyone could make it to the photoshoot! (:


Haha, I was searching for Christmas Hetalia pictures for hours. Literally; no joke. Hmm... Merry Christmas! Mele Kalikimaka! Buon Natale! Meri Kurisimasu. I dare you lot to try and guess what those three are. I'm only one of them. (Not my character, just to prevent confusion. Part of my ethnicity.) I really enjoy being here already and it's only been a few days! Thank you for being so kind, despite my character being so invisible. (; I've got more pictures for you lot if you want to see them. (:

I had to edit the picture size and the year date. It said "Merry Christmas 2008". I can give you guys the original, if you want. (: My edit fails ;3 It's real plain too, sorry guys! I tried to make it look kinda like the original, but it seems I don't have the right font. :/ Anyways...

Happy Holidays!


Hallå där....

Hnn..nice t' meet ya....m' name 's Sweden
External Image
M' wife 's Finland and our "adopted" son 's Sealand,h'pe we g't along well with each 'ther...
Hi! I hope I didn't really mess anything in this message up,as you all know I'll be roleplaying as Sweden and I hope a do a good job cause this is my first time :) Let's become friends!!!~ Oh and found the photo on zerochan,credit goes to the artist,sexy art there ;D