This is a world dedicated the one...the only...


soo yeah. enjoy X3


come on people we need more posters! if you know some stuff about the band just message me and ask and I'll add you on so you can post it up for everyone! dont be shy!



RaNDoM FaCTs*~*~*~*~*~*~*

ok so heres some random facts i've found floatin around da internet so i dont really have a direct source so i has no link ^^; (sorry!) but i'm not entirely sure these are all correct but they still is awesome! (terrible grammar, i know haha) ...

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Kai-chan's interview with Neo genesis vol. 26 (2008)

- First, out of all the instruments out there, why were you drawn to the drums?

I guess I was drawn to them because they stand out. I think they're the instrument that lets you express yourself with your whole body, and even when I was a kid I couldn't keep my eyes off them.

- At what age was that?

During middle school. My parents listened to jazz a lot, and had learned the jazz piano before. I was raised in that kind of environment, and they also took me to recitals and jazz club sort of places.

- You went to jazz performances in elementary school?

Yes. I didn't understand anything, though.

- Then you saw jazz drums live.

I thought they were amazing. Of course, there was also the saxophone, guitar, bass, and vocals, but the drums caught my eye first. Then I told my mom that I wanted to try playing the drums. She had always tried to get me to play an instrument and had taught me piano, so she said "Okay, give it a try". During middle school I was taught by her friend who was a drummer.

- You had played soccer too, right?

Yes. Honestly, if I had to pick, soccer was what I was really interested in, and the drums were a hobby. But that changed when I started a band.

- Since you played sports, you used your whole body a is that why you were interested in drums? Since you don't move a whole lot playing the bass or guitar.

(laugh) That's true. Basically, I thought the drums were the most showy and cool.

- Were you given a drumset?

No, no, not at all.

- Then how did you practice at home?

At that time I used magazines and things. I didn't have money to use a studio, so I would hit turned over frying pans and stuff (laugh). The only time I used a drumset was when I used my instructor's, but I knew how they were layed out, and knew where the high-hat and cymbals should go.

- So how did you set it up?

The actual drums were all magazines, for the pedals I would pretend that I had one on the floor and just make the movements, and for the high-hat, the ladder on my bunk bed was at the right height, so (laugh). That's why there are marks on it even now (laugh).

- The signs of your practicing are still there, huh.

Also, there was a part hanging off the back of a chair and was about to break, and I used it as a ride (cymbal). So basically I used and broke things all over the house (laugh). I also made holes in pillows and things like that.

- What was the first song you copied?

LUNA SEA's "JESUS". But even though we were copying it, I would always just not practice the parts of songs that I didn't like. So when it got to that part, I would arrange it how I liked it. And I would change that part and play it differently every time.

- So you didn't copy the whole thing exactly?

Not at all (laugh)

- Do you remember how you felt the first time you played with a band?

I remember. I was bad at playing a real drumset, but when we all just went at it playing together it was so much fun that I would want to go to the studio the next day as well.

- So at that time did you think you would want to always play the drums?

I don't think I did at that time. But after we had all gotten together and practiced, we started talking about doing it seriously. Then school began to get in the way. Because I wanted a job so I could buy a drumset, and I wanted to practice. I had no interest in going to school, so I was the only one who quit. In my second year of high school.

- You were the only one who quit?

Yes. When I realized I was the only one I was like, "Uwaa~!", but there was no turning back. And actually, we had begun to stop getting together as much. So I thought "Well, fine then" and decided I would look for new members. But I didn't think I was good enough yet, so for about a year I practiced as hard as I could.

- But you were the only one after you quit school, right?

(laugh) Basically school and practice switched places. Normal high school students woke up in the morning and went to classes, and I was practicing. I wanted to create distance between me and the people who had started practicing after graduation. I wanted to show that I had merit....I had a job, but I wanted to use the money to buy a drumset, so I practiced at home instead of at a studio. There are people who say that you can't practice if you don't go to a studio often, but you totally can.

~kyaa Kai-chan is so cute >.<
