Well, here I am. People who know me love me whether they like it or not. It's a burden since I dislike most people. You can find My actual Life HERE. I have many fandoms, and many likes but I have yet to find passion in a past time. You are welcome as long as you behave.

I figure as long as STAN can live here, I can too. Here's round two.



Fictitious things

Are you freakin' Kidding me?

I am impatient and I didn't give Adam enough credit and now, after I grapevinedly asked him if he gives a shit, I feel a little bad. What am I talking about? MyO being linked here. That means I can still use my beloved little page over there (stan won't miss me anymore) and it will show in the subscriptions here! I can have my lovely yellow page and not have to settle for something completely impersonal that looks just like SG's page cause we happened to pick the same layout. I'm very happy, and thank you for giving a shit, Adam.

It's a never ending cycle

Welcome to officially Friday! It's a quarter to one, and I'm exhausted but not sleepy... I've been dealing with a bit of insomnia lately. Stupid sleep, taunting me! Is it just me, or has this week been so long it feels like it should be June?

It's been raining for like a week. It's absolutely incredible, I'm so achy and yet I can't help but love it. I don't love when it hails, but I love thee rain and lightning and thunder.

I came home tonight and cooked up a storm, pretty much for no reason. Neither of us were hungry, I just wanted to cook. I made chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes and gravy. I also made a bunch of taco meat so we has easy access meal-age. And last, I made a no bake cheesecake, of which I did eat some. It was tasty.

So, my car started knocking as I brake today...it is strange and unnerving.

I need to watch TV earlier because I'm so tired of Girls Gone Wild and male enhancement commercials... NOT TO MENTION the hated Free Credit Report Dot Com commercials. I FUCKING HATE THEM AND I WANT TO BURN THEM AND STAB THEM ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

On a positive note, I like that you can have stamps made on USPS.com with any picture you want on them. Well, I'm sure not ANY picture, but you know...

And Yet, It Always Seemed to Rain

Ugh, they offered me a long and unpaid lunch again today, and I took it. My paycheck is going to be very small.

Holy Cats, I left for the weekend and everyone updated 15 times. it's going to take a little while to catch up and see if I can even comment on the pages.

I won the first Literati contest, I get to place the first word! You can read my story HERE. It has some typos, but I'm pretty happy with it. And Mimmers liked it, so I guess it's alright.

I went to Kansas City with my sister and her husband this weekend and we hit the casinos with my cousin Scott. I had lots of fun and lost about $100. Oh well...

It's been raining like mad. I have decided I thihnk I'll plant a small garden to try and help with my grocery costs. I need to get on it if I'm going to do it though.

I'm dumb sometimes.

It's fucking two AM and I can't sleep a fucking wink. I caffeinated too late tonight. Normally it wouldn't matter, but I have to get up and drive in the morning and I feel pretty stupid about it. Oh well.

My stomach is also unhappy at my choice of McDonalds, which it should be. I am ashamed at how often McDonalds is a part of my diet... bleh.

I keep recommitting myself to start excercizing.... I just can't seem to get off my ass and my zoo walking buddy who is supposed to meet me at the zoo twice a week with her kid first went to England for a couple of weeks and now has pneumonia (the two not being related). Neither being good enough excuses not to go to the zoo with me, so I will never forgive her. I also asked another girl to do the same thing with me, but she's having surgery on her knee in a couple of weeks, so she's out too... grrrr

Uhm, so I'm whole-heartedly uncommited to work at this moment and I am pushing boundaries for what I can get away with as far as NOT working while I'm there. I've kind of caught a spring fever apathy bug the last few weeks. What can I say, I have been distracted.

It stormed like a bitch last night, hail but no tornados... I was hoping for a tornado.Damn near 28 years of life in Kansas, and I've never seen a tornado. I guess at midnight, I wouldn't be able to SEE it anyway...

They ate Sir Robin's minstrels,
and there was much rejoicing.


Flowers bloomed, birds sang.... Its fucking May, People!

It's May Day. Children the world over are delivering flower baskets and dancing round May poles. Ok, maybe not, bt at one point in time that happened.

My friends turned 25 yesterday and she freely told me that she is having some crisis over mortality. I'm waiting until 30 for mine.

You know, I've come to some very important decisions in the last few months, one of which is I have resolved to buy a house this year. Now I just need to get on top of it. I'm really good at decision, it the action where I usually stop. You see, I have terminal laziness. Maybe it's a midwest thing, maybe it's an american thing, but it's there...

It was pretty close to 80 degrees yesterday. Sure there were 40 MPH wind gusts, but that's alright... it was gorgeous and it kills me to stare out the window on days like that, I want to just walk outside and play frisbee with my dog.

I'm going to KC with my sister this weekend, and I think it will be fun. We're going to "the boats" and I will come back very much poorer, I can almostpromise that. However, we are meeting my cousin scott and his wife there. I have never met his wife and I am kind of excited...

For some reason I just got a stupid and crazy idea I'm going to tell a story all in the little emoticon thingies, you figure it out~!

Alright, here's the story, this guy's just hanging out and the girl winks at him, he totally falls for her after brief shock. She suddenly decides that her pink-haired life isn't the existance she wants and turns goth. He cries about it a little and bcomes a ninja and pokes her eyes out so she now wears glasses.

I had to end it that way due to there are no smilies that are slightly less alive...