OtakuOni: Chapter 16

“Jenny!” Chero called, “If you don’t come out soon, Mama will come after you!”

“Hey…Chero…? Can I ask you something about the early time loops?” Jenny asked from the bath tub.

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She sunk lower, waiting for Chero’s answer.

“W-what? Yes. Sure…”

“Was…was there ever a time where only just one of us died?” Jenny asked.

“Yes…there was…many times…Kiki one time overused her powers…and then…” Chero replied.

“Even then you went back in time?”

“Yes…because my goal is to get everyone one of you out of here. I can’t lose a single one of you.”

“Why would you go back? Everyone lives and dies. Isn’t it easier to just let one of us go? You went back to save Kiki…I’ll give you that…she is your sister in-law…But you even went back for Dante. Why would you go so far…why would you go so far for our sake--”

“Come to think of it….I…I love all of you…” Chero said.


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“I mean…there is often the time when I will fight or argue with you all…And there are even times when you scare me….But I would never hate you all. I love all of you…” Chero added.

“Even if we do get out of here…Who is to say we will get along like we used to…or how we do now?”

“That’s right! I mean…that is how relationships work. They build…they fall…they change and sometimes become twisted. Isn’t that what makes us human?”

“…And death is natural too….And yet…you keep helping us…” Jenny sunk deeper into the water.

“I…I have thought about it…I mean…what would I do…if we got out and I had a fight with you…so big that we can never make amends…” Chero started.

“It is possible…”

“Yeah. But supposed we all got caught in a situation like this again…after you and I fought…”

“Go on…”

“I would forget about my fight with you…and I would still help you. Just like I am doing right now. If I can do something to help…I will help. Because…the Otaku Host Club? We’re a family right? And families always help each other…even when things get rough. After we help each other…the fights no longer matter. So…if you ever get caught in another situation like this again…I will help you, Jenny…”

“…You’re amazing…” Jenny said.

“What about you, Jenny?” Chero asked.


“Do you hate me for bringing us here? Or hate Kiki for abusing her powers? I love you Jenny and that is why I have been working so hard to help you. Are you any different?” Chero questioned.

“No…I…I don’t hate you…” Jenny sighed, blowing bubbles in the bath water, “I’ve been through a lot with the both of you. In the end…we’re a family and we have to stick together. Just like you have been doing for us so far…”

“That’s right! Let’s work together!” Chero cheered.

Jenny pulled herself out of the tub and wrapped a towel around her body.

“…Though…if I were to follow your example I am sure you would disagree, Chero…But I’m sorry…I really can’t allow this to happen. I don’t plan on breaking my promises. If…if that memory is true…I…”

Dino walked over to Chero, clean and fully clothed.

“Hm? What’s wrong with Jenny? Why has she not come out yet?” Dino asked.

“Oh! Hi Dino!” Chero greeted, “Say! Do you like me and Jenny?”

“What? What are you talking about?” Dino questioned.

“Well…you see…” Chero started.

Dino sighed and shook his head, “Amore…I love you. You know that. And Jenny is our child. I love her as well. What is with the silly questions?”

“I-it’s nothing!” Chero said, “Jenny, are you dressed yet?”

Jenny walked out, “Yeah. Let’s go…everyone must be waiting for us…”