
Last night, to my surprise, I managed to pop out three drawings. Yes, I know. Two almost full body and one full body; plus one of them is a guy! GASP!! I also have about two in the making and two that I finished a week or so ago. I'm going to be doing a few more today, while the juice is still flowing^-^ I’ve been in a very inspired mood this past week.

All the ones I have done so far are for Empty Sound though, and it occurred to me (mostly because I got back on the site and Insane, of course) that I need some more Blade work. I barely have any good drawings for it and the couple I do have are mostly of Kiyoko. Sooooooooo, I’m going to try to draw some for that story as well! Yeah^-^ I would like to ask and of my (few and far between) readers who actually read this post if they have any suggestions. I would love some help with that! Right now my head has been filled with ES characters for months; it's become hard to think of what Blade character to draw. Really, I’m drowning in vampire snippets!

Any who, that's why I posted this annoying little blog. I'll start uploading the new drawings soon, but my next week is a little busy with two open houses (senior friends) and some serious best friend counseling.

I'll be back to reek my wrath soon enough, so don’t get to comfortable! hehe^-^
