IMPORTANT NOTICE: This world is under trial. It might continue or it might be deleted depending on the feedback.

Konnichiwa mina-san*bows*.

Welcome to TheO Discovery Channel.

The PURPOSE of this world is:

-to promote some under rated talents here on theO
I’ve noticed that there are very talented members out there that deserve more attention and of course more subscribers.

How it works:
-I’ll will identify the members and send pm to ask whether they are interested to get themselves promoted here.

-you can send a pm or comment stating the name of the member that you think should be on here

If you can request for yourself to be featured here.

Terms and Conditions:

-Member to be promoted here should have at least 5 works submitted (works include all categories, ecard, wallpaper, art, fan word, comic)
-Have less than 60 subscribers
-If you do not meet the 2 conditions above but still want to be featured, you can also send a pm.
-I have the right to accept or decline any request based on the quality of the works and also for any other reason.
-I won’t guarantee that you’ll get more subs/hugs/fav after you get yourself promoted here
-Do notify me if you found the members that are featured here are actually art thieves.

Just a bit info: This world was known as Discover the World, where we did review on the worlds here. You can check them out as I won’t remove them although the theme has change. Special thanks to the guest panels who had done the reviews on here.

Special World Feature: Nobodies Santuary - jctmanofsteel

World's Name: Nobodies Santuary
Creator: jctmanofsteel
Date Created: 10/02/09
Type/ category: Personal
Members/ Guest posters: N/A
Description: N/A

jctmanofsteel's world, Nobodies Santuary, is a unique world. At first I thought it was like the normal blog type but when I went through the posts I found out that they are different.

I think the posts are revolve around the writer's thoughts on certain things. The way he write them is quite deep and contain some meanings. I like the way he convey his thoughts into something like this.

The world design is simple, everything is in place. Just one thing tho, the posts sometimes can be quite confusing as there's no punctuations to separate the snetences. but maybe that is purely his style.

Anyway, it is worth it for all of u to pay this unique little world a visit.

click HERE to visit.

Special World Feature: NaruMaruto life as u know - narutoKHfighter

World's name: NaruMaruto life as u know
Creator: narutoKHfighter
Date created: 04/11/08
Typre/ category: Blog/ Personal
Members/ guest posters: N/A
Description: This is the main blog for the offline Life of Narutokhfighter

Personally, I really like this world. narutoKHfighter posts in this world are really fun. She posts simple stuff about what's going on in her life but the way she writes it that make them very interesting to read (her style is very cute xD).

If u like reading this kind of stuff, I think u shouldnt miss this world. Check out what's up (or even down) in her life and do share what u think by leaving a comment.

As for the world design, I say Hetalia really fits the overall theme of this world. Background, fonts, color and everything is easy on the eyes.

This world is frequently updated and there are even some fun posts like the survey thingy (u know where there's questions and u answer them.. and others can copy the questions and write their own answers and post them..?)

Well, overall, it is a simple yet fun world. Check it people!!

click HERE to visit

Babygurl's Mind - babygurl24

World's name: Babygurl's Mind
Creator: babygurl24
Date created: 10/02/09
Type/category: Personal
Members /guest poster so far: 5
Description (as by the creator): This is the first world that I created so it may be a little rocky. But it is basically a place to update people on everything.

Review by beloved blood:

Babygurl's Mind [world XD] is more like a blog, telling of everyday life. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to read up on people (and not in a stalker way O.o), like a blog. It's always fun to read about funny and weird things that happen everyday! Also, the design is nice, cute bg. You can read the words. There are posts regularly!!! I give this world, a big 4.5 out of 5!!! I think there should be more pictures or videos or something.

Review by Support KIRA:

Alright, First I’m going to start with the design, since usually that is the first thing to draw people in. The background picture is cute, though a bit repetitive due to it’s size, it’s just a little small. I would suggest finding something with a more uniform look. Try sites that offer seamless background pix. Those are amazing, and they have awesome designs. Here’s a link to one: .This place is GREAT. I really recommend it. ;)

Next, the introduction. Well, the lack of one. ^^; Even if it is just a blog page, wouldn’t it be nice to give your visitors a peek of what you’re about to offer them? You can put anything you like. A Nice Picture, some info about yourself, or a brief explanation of just what kind of world they’ve entered. Any or all of these things would suffice, and I really think it would be a nice addition.

Now for the content. This is a blog about Babygurl’s current life events. I’m guessing it’s a bit like a journal. What I would suggest is to add other things as well, instead of just blogs. Like, maybe you found a really cool picture online? Or a video, or song? Share what you like with your viewers, after all, you want them to know a bit about YOU right? ^^ Shake it up a bit and keep them guessing.

I’m going to rate this 3 stars only because it seems that it’s only in it’s start, being updated once every week. A few renovations would definitely help. Good Luck!! ^^

Review by aoi:

Babygurl's Mind, as the name stated is a blog-like world where babygurl posts updates on her personal stuff. Regurlarly updated, people can get to know more about her and all sorts of random stuff. Not to miss one function that this world serves, is it also a place for her friends/ guest posters to post updates on whatever topic they like. so, if u are interested, i suggest u pm her or leave her a comment and maybe u can post your stuff to make this world livelier. and also dont forget to comment on her posts as your comments really matters. do check this world out if u like to read blog-like stuff. 4.2 stars for the fun posts.

Overall stars: 3.9 out of 5 (great!)
What we say: for those who love to read on updates of people, visit this world!
Link to the world: click HERE
