Woohoooo!!!! WeEeEeElllllcooome!!!! *runs in a circle*
Welcome to...
(which translates to random stuff!!!)
hmm...what to sayyyy.......

Uh, about moi.. I will tag things with a lot of stuff! Like, no joke! The pic will be of an angel and I'll tag it with soccer! Really, I will!
You have been warned!
I overuse exclamation marks!!! Like I'm doing now!!!
You may call me anything you like! Some names people call me: anime, animeye, animeye101, animeeye...
Manga I own:

Angle/Dust (there's only one volume! D= )
Yotsubato/Yotsuba/Yotsuba&! books-1 and 4 (-_-')
Kashimashi books-1 and 2
Hikaru no Go books-1, 2, and 4 (eh heh heh..)
Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit's Tale-books 1 and 2
Hibiki's Magic-book 1
Mystical Prince Yoshida-kun!-book 1
Et Cetera-book 1
Kon Kon Kokon-book 1 (And it's been that way for too long, darnit! Stupid Broccoli Books company!!!)
Dragon Eye-book 1
Strawberry Marshmallow-book 1
Cherry Juice-book 1
Last Hope-book 1
Wow, I dun have that many..
Don't feel stupid if you've never heard of any of these; nobody has.
The first manga I ever read is Yotsubato book 1. Yippee!

Anime I own:

Azumanga Daioh
Scrapped Princess (the second one ^^')

Manga/anime I wish I had:

Death Note
Scrapped Princess (the first one)
Invader Zim


Everyone else's intro's are so much longer than mine. I feel stupid. xP

Have a spaztastical time!

~~Have a super fantastical wonderific day! *llama*

Happy Halloween!!

I just wanted to wish everyone a happy Halloween! And feel free to share what you are going/went as for trick or treating (if you're going)
