Woohoooo!!!! WeEeEeElllllcooome!!!! *runs in a circle*
Welcome to...
(which translates to random stuff!!!)
hmm...what to sayyyy.......

Uh, about moi.. I will tag things with a lot of stuff! Like, no joke! The pic will be of an angel and I'll tag it with soccer! Really, I will!
You have been warned!
I overuse exclamation marks!!! Like I'm doing now!!!
You may call me anything you like! Some names people call me: anime, animeye, animeye101, animeeye...
Manga I own:

Angle/Dust (there's only one volume! D= )
Yotsubato/Yotsuba/Yotsuba&! books-1 and 4 (-_-')
Kashimashi books-1 and 2
Hikaru no Go books-1, 2, and 4 (eh heh heh..)
Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit's Tale-books 1 and 2
Hibiki's Magic-book 1
Mystical Prince Yoshida-kun!-book 1
Et Cetera-book 1
Kon Kon Kokon-book 1 (And it's been that way for too long, darnit! Stupid Broccoli Books company!!!)
Dragon Eye-book 1
Strawberry Marshmallow-book 1
Cherry Juice-book 1
Last Hope-book 1
Wow, I dun have that many..
Don't feel stupid if you've never heard of any of these; nobody has.
The first manga I ever read is Yotsubato book 1. Yippee!

Anime I own:

Azumanga Daioh
Scrapped Princess (the second one ^^')

Manga/anime I wish I had:

Death Note
Scrapped Princess (the first one)
Invader Zim


Everyone else's intro's are so much longer than mine. I feel stupid. xP

Have a spaztastical time!

~~Have a super fantastical wonderific day! *llama*


WOOHOO THIS IS MY SCHOOL'S FIRST SNOW DAY OF DAH YEAR!!! but this is my sister's third.. ah well, I'll get out earlier than her! She'll be packing her bag for school while I'm drinkin' lemonade and I'll laugh in her face and the she'll slap me and then we'll get in a fight and then my Mom will yell at us and then we'll all hate each other for the rest of the day! ^^

Happy Halloween!!

I just wanted to wish everyone a happy Halloween! And feel free to share what you are going/went as for trick or treating (if you're going)
