
My name is Maxie. I seek nothing more than the expansion of the land mass and the growth of the habitat of both people and Pokemon.

Besides this main goal, I have many other, smaller goals, such as beating Team Aqua and their incredibly stupid leader Archie at everything they do and surviving a day working as head of Team Magma with my sanity intact.

This is my personal blog. I hope you enjoy.

...you wish to annoy me further? Isn't that lovely. Well, if you really desire to join my world, read this:

Rules and Guidelines

My Pokemon Team

People Who Annoy Me (Guest Posters)
Red - greenLeAfe
Tammy the Flareon - jellydonut
Archie - CharlesGAMEsbirro
Shelly - MageofBLAZE
Tabitha - Shiningxsunray



Today I visited Fortree City. It's a nice little town although it's rather strange, in its own way. I expected one of those rope bridges to snap at any moment!

There are more wild Pokemon here than in most other cities, too. I guess that's to be expected though when you basically live in the forest.

Also, some kid tried to trade for my Pikachu. Like hell that was gonna happen!

On a side-note, I haven't seen Green around for a while. I wonder when we'll bump into each other next....
