
My name is Maxie. I seek nothing more than the expansion of the land mass and the growth of the habitat of both people and Pokemon.

Besides this main goal, I have many other, smaller goals, such as beating Team Aqua and their incredibly stupid leader Archie at everything they do and surviving a day working as head of Team Magma with my sanity intact.

This is my personal blog. I hope you enjoy.

...you wish to annoy me further? Isn't that lovely. Well, if you really desire to join my world, read this:

Rules and Guidelines

My Pokemon Team

People Who Annoy Me (Guest Posters)
Red - greenLeAfe
Tammy the Flareon - jellydonut
Archie - CharlesGAMEsbirro
Shelly - MageofBLAZE
Tabitha - Shiningxsunray

Apology Post


I'm sorry I haven't posted for the last two days...I've been falling asleep really early... I'm still a little shaky, but otherwise I think I'm starting to get better. I just need to get my sleep pattern back on track...

So I talked to Mars last night. I know it hasn't been that long since she visited, but I suddenly felt the need to get away from Hoenn the other day, and we'd been talking about me coming over to Sinnoh for a couple weeks. We've set a date--I'll be on the boat (Mew above...) this coming Wednesday.

I also checked with Mars about bringing a guest with me...I don't know how he did it, but somehow Archie convinced me to bring him along -_- Well, Mars is absolutely delighted, so I guess it's official...how exciting...

I'm still not sure how long I'll be staying, but hopefully Tabitha can keep the base under control until then...



I know how much you've been missing me...but I seem to have caught a serious cold... I was perfectly healthy but somehow I woke up with small traces of a cold the morning of the raffle...BUT I DIDN'T THINK IT'D BE THIS SERIOUS!!! TT-TT *sigh* well I'm starting to regain enough energy to work and use the internet and stuff again... >< but I'm still quite sickly... I guess this is just karma for pushing you into the ocean that one time... -_- I knew I'd be regretting that event. I had stayed at home in fear of getting any of my grunts sick as well...wouldn't want that to happen...IT WAS SOOOO BORING ALL BY MYSELF!!! no one to pick on or abuse being sick is so...annoying! well anyway...I hope you're not getting any sicker than you already were!!! >< I'd feel bad and think I gave it to you somehow! ><



I'm pretty sure I'm sick. I've been even more shaky and cold and achy and just altogether bleh. How exciting. I hate being sick.

I'll probably nap all day tomorrow, and hopefully that will do the trick. I hate taking more days off than I need to...mostly because that leaves Tabitha in charge...

Thankfully, I'm still able to cook...I'm not sneezing or coughing or anything, so I don't think I'm contagious but I wear one of those masks and keep my hands washed nonstop anyway...I'm really persnickity when it comes to my food.... Maybe I'll make myself soup or something. I wish I knew what was wrong with me, then I could actually cook for it...

I think I'll go to bed early...Maybe now...

Side note, but I haven't heard from Archie in forever, and it's starting to worry me...is that a bad thing?

Well I Would Walk 5,000 Miles



Anyway, uneventful day today. I decided to visit Lavaridge again. It was a nice, sunny day, so no one questioned me about my sunglasses. How long does it take a black eye to heal?! Forecast calls for rain tomorrow, though, so I might not be going outside. Truth be told, I don't mind a little rain every now and then, but you can't wear sunglasses when it's raining.

Oh, and I sent that Wailord plush in the mail today. I'm assuming it will be arriving soon. I'm sure its recipient will just adore it. (evil grin)

Just to be the man, to walk ten thousand miles to fall down at your door, da-da-da-da~


I need to go blast something into my ears...like that screechy stuff the grunts listen to, um, Dubsomething? Maybe making my eardrums bleed will get this song out of my head...

Oh, Just Think of a Witty Title Yourself


I took a rather long nap today...and had the oddest dream... I was at some weird ball/gala thing, and Tabitha and Courtney and Shelly and the Wailord were all there too... The Wailord kept following me around -_- But it wasn't as much of a disaster as you'd think...In fact, I was almost disappointed when I woke up...

But I digress. I'm still really tired. I hope I'm not getting sick...