
I know how much you've been missing me...but I seem to have caught a serious cold... I was perfectly healthy but somehow I woke up with small traces of a cold the morning of the raffle...BUT I DIDN'T THINK IT'D BE THIS SERIOUS!!! TT-TT *sigh* well I'm starting to regain enough energy to work and use the internet and stuff again... >< but I'm still quite sickly... I guess this is just karma for pushing you into the ocean that one time... -_- I knew I'd be regretting that event. I had stayed at home in fear of getting any of my grunts sick as well...wouldn't want that to happen...IT WAS SOOOO BORING ALL BY MYSELF!!! no one to pick on or abuse being sick is so...annoying! well anyway...I hope you're not getting any sicker than you already were!!! >< I'd feel bad and think I gave it to you somehow! ><
