Affiliation: Las Noches | Rank: Leader of the Arrancar Army | Zanpakuto Name: Kyōka Suigetsu

The Price to Navigate:

Continued From: The Intruder Zeshin pushed open the door to the empty throne room and stepped in to address Aizen. "Father, may I speak with you?"...

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Familiar Faces:

Aizen sat to his thrown, his face resting in the crock of his hand as his elbow propped to the armrest of his throne. Gin as usual. Watching. His keen eye always on the look out for the unexpected. However, this time his eyes watched a familiar, but not so familiar to Las Noches. Zeshin. With the word he sent out his Espada would be arriving shortly so he can announce Zeshin's return. As sly grin decorated his lips as he waited. This was indeed going to be an entertaining encounter with a few of the Espada and their Fraccion.

A Tricky Game of Tag

Continued From: Never A Tear Aizen stepped into the throne room Nnoitra and Zeshin in tow. One at either side of him a few step behind. Once entering ...

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A Master:

Zeshin returned to Los Noches and knelt before Aizen, "The deed is done, my Lord. I stabbed the one you mentioned right through the heart."

“I see.” Aizen stood from his throne stepping toward Zeshin, “Would you like to become a fraction, Zeshin? I have the perfect master for you,” a smirk crossed his face.

Aizen stood in front of Zeshin; he was pleased with what had transpired in the mission he sent him on. Now he just needed to make sure Zeshin stayed in his arrancar state of mind. Assigning him a master just might help. He waited for his answer.

Mission: Zeshin

Your mission is for you to go to the Soul Society and seek out one, Eighth Seat; Tenth Division: Tsukiro Ashimitsu. Once you have found him -- Kill him.

*smirks* Take heed though, he has been spending much time with the Captain of the Thirteenth Division Juushiro Ukitake. I am sure the ailing Captain Ukitake is a match for you. However, if the chance presents itself, you may kill him as well. I expect a full report when you return.