The Price to Navigate:

Continued From: The Intruder

Zeshin pushed open the door to the empty throne room and stepped in to address Aizen. "Father, may I speak with you?"

Aizen turned from Gin and looked at the boy then returned his look to Gin with a smirk. Gin nodded his head and took his leave.

"What is it, Zeshin?" Aizen turned his eyes back to him.

"I am having a really tough time moving around Los Noches. I noticed it today when I got lost. I did run into the fourth espada and his fraccion, and I will admit that we did get into a bit of a fight, but that's beside the point. Anyway, I think it would be best if I had a guide." Zeshin explained to Aizen walking toward him. "Not only can they help me navigate the palace, but they can also spar with me to help regain control of my abilities. Which is partly the reason for the fight. They were responding to my uncontrolled attacks...anyway can I have a fraccion?"

Aizen chuckled softly at his request. "If you wish, yes. Pick any of the arrancar here in Las Noches and make them your fraccion. It’s not hard, boy."

"The one attached to the fourth seems capable. Her ability with fire will come in handy against my ice, and she blasted me against a wall....which will need to be repaired. Is it possible to get her?"

Aizen turned from him, "the Fourths fraccion; Kita?" He turned back looking at Zeshin. "Why her?"

"She is familiar to me," Zeshin replied

Aizen's smirk grew wider. "Yes, I am sure she is." He said at a whisper. "Zeshin? Pick another. We have many you can have. Ulquiorra will not part with her easily. "

"All the more reason for it to be her. He seems far too possessive to her, and wouldn't you be interested on how he will react?" He looked on at Aizen with a inquiring look.

"Why would I want to push the buttons of my most faithful Espada? He has taken a liking to Kita. The first and foremost important thing in a fraccion and a Master’s relationship." Aizen walked up to Zeshin placing his hand to his shoulder. "If you long to have her that badly. Then take her. But I warn you, Ulquiorra will not let her go without a fight."

"Test to see how truly faithful he is, besides it will only be until my memories return."

"And tell me this, Zeshin? What happens when your memories return and you find out why Kita is familiar to you? Will you still return her to Ulquiorra?"

"I don't see why not..."

Aizen looked to Zeshin. "Continue. What else, Zeshin? You drifted off there."

"Why would I have a problem returning her? You said she wasn't important." Zeshin questioned him.

"To you. I said nothing about what she is to another."

"Then it should be no problem," he smiled.

Aizen thought about his request as he turned walking a few paces away from him. "You are not going to let up over having Kita at your side are you?"

"Let up? How do you mean?"

“You’re adamant about having her and only her,” Aizen explained looking back over his shoulder at him.

"Tell me, father, if you had lost your memory wouldn't you want to be around what is familiar." His gazed looked determined, but lost.

Rubbing a pinch at the back of his neck, Aizen looked to the boy again. “Yes, I guess I would, but Zeshin--”


He thought again about what he was going to say to the boy as Aizen smirked, “take her. She is yours.”

"Awesome!" Zeshin turned to leave, but stopped just before the door, "By the way, why does the fourth despise me so?"

Ignoring his question Aizen turned walking away from him again. “You will return Kita as soon as you learn your way around Las Noches. Not a moment before. Not a moment after. She belongs to Ulquiorra.” Aizen then spoke under his breath. “If you think he despises you now; wait until he finds out you are taking Kita from him.”

“I will start training immediately; I wouldn't want to unintentionally freeze anyone again." He left to room and grabbed a random arrancar to guide him to the fourth.

Aizen sat back at his throne with a wide grin across his face. “If he goes to Ulquiorra first he may not live to see his new fraccion by sunset.”

Continued To: Taken; Coming Soon...
