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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

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Last day of Vacation

Today i got up at 8 and finished my homework. I don't know why i got up then i just did. (Stupid imaginary alarm clock) Around 12:30 i went to the school to talk to my english teacher. The teachers had to go in today and we didn't. I have to miss the first have of school on wednesday to work on the cover of our literary magazine. I'll post the pic when we get it finished because it's my picture that's going on the cover i'm so happy. worked on a little bit of one of my comics. plaied Crash Bandicoot and beat the game. Coach called and told me that the U17 for spring soccer was so large they split up and made a Cattaraugus team. Now I'm the goaile for the spring soccer team. Softball meeting after school on Wednesday. Open Gym tomorrow. Soccer pratice on Thursday. Tournament on Saturday. Working on 10-12 page paper for english class. Have a quiz on My Antonia tomorrow or Wednesday. Set of notes due tomorrow, already turned them in. Around 6:30 i went in my room went to work on my comic again ended up fall asleep. Cold as all get out in my room. Don't know how i got to sleep without the blankets on my. Had a really weird dream where i was being chased by some large cat but i don't know what type. I was in my car though but strangly that didn't matter. I woke up and felt like i was hit with a truck, took a shower and now i'm sitting here typing. That's all i did today. So ttfn


Well we lost...again. At least our seasons over now. We didn't win a single game. Of course it doesn't really help that we were playing at a vaqrsity league and had mostly modify players on our team.We had to play opn varsity beacuse of me, Jess, and Shannon. I'm in my jounior year and Jess and Shannon are in their senior year. All three of us play on the varsity team for our school. It was rediculous i'm sick plaied the entire 40 minuets for the game because i'm the goalie and my team quite on me. I mean i didn't even feel like i was ginving it my all today and i still plaied harder then the rest of my team. The only ones that came close to the same effort were Veinna and Jess two of my varsity team mates. Then what really makes me mad is when the other team takes pitty on us and takes a player off the field. Of course like always right in the begining of the game i get fractrained and they try to take me out. Which never works i might add. But my dadd thinks that i'm too kind to the other players because i ask if they're okay and if i kicked to ball away hard enough i'll help them up. Every game I stop at least 30 to 40 shots and not many get past me. That might be why i made first string all star goalie for the Cattaraugus Chautauqua County Athletic Association. Oh well hopefully we'll do better in the tournament that we're entering next saturday. I'll tell you how the turns out till then tatafornow.

Ice Skating

So today i went ice skating for my first time with my indoor soccer team mates. It was funny once i stepped off the ramp i tanked it right onto the ice. Well i was laughing. But ice skating is just like roller blading it's not that hard once you get use to it. That what i did today. That and Homework (Suckish)Well i hope you all have a good day or night what ever time zone you live in. lol


This is not one of the best pictures of me but it's the one that i had on the computer. My sisters hat taken better pictures of me. Of course i'm usually off guard when they take them. lol ...

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I can't belive i'm reading this

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas toghuht slpeling was ipmorantt! Tahts so cool!

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