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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

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The New Frontier

Hey guys i have a new RPG is Based off of my Story Here We Go Again. It's a digimon story. THe RPG is called The New Frontier. we're just about to get started so is anyone wants to hop in now would be a good time but remember to read the please read before joining so you understand what's going to happen in the world.

This banner was made by my friend lapaperninja

Wasn't on yesturday (Do not read if you get quezzy easily)

Sorry i wasn't on yesturday guys i had to go to the hospital last night. NOw let me explain why i had to go to the hospital. Last night my dad was spliting wood with a wedge and we thought i was far enough back to where i could talk to him and he could split wood well...we were wrong the wedge hit the ground and bounced then hit my middle toe spliting it open on the side and cutting the top of my toe right inder the nail then it brused my other toe i guess it would be called the ring toe. Any ways i wasn't wearing shoes so that's why that happened. and i wasn't bleeding very bad until my older sister poured piroxide on it then the blood started gushing out of it. That's when i started crying. NOw i can handle a lot of pain but there was so much pressure built up in my toe and it was bleeding so bad that my dad thought i broke my toe. si we went to the hospital. I didn't have to get stitches and it isn't broken but i do have to make sure it doesn't get infected and take 400 mg of ibprofine 4 times a day for the next five days and an antibiotic that i can't pronounce for five day. woot woot (Note hint of sarcasim) and its a week before christmas. It sucks so bad. anyways that's what i did and why i wasn't on yesturday.

PoC 4

Pirates of the Caribbean 4 comes out in theaters May 20th, 2011!!! I'm so excited i cant wait!!

RPGing Options

So my world Cross Academy a Vampire Knight RPG is probably going to close down because of the absolutely no activity for 4 months straight now and here are the options. What would you guys rather want to Roll Play in?

Yu-Gi-Oh GX- Everyone goes to duel academy and a something dark is appearing there. (Second Generation)

original stroy- Will come up with later or if anyone has a sudden spur of the moment idea comment it with your answer.

Bleach- Hollows are showing up everywhere lately what is going on? (Second Generation)

Darker Than Black- The gates of hell still haven't disappeared can Contractors and humans get along to try and get rid of the gates of hell? (Second Generation)

Digimon Frontier- There's a new group of kids selected to go into the digital world but how will they fair when they find out that the enemy are also people? And just what is this strange thing that's happening to them?
(Second Generation)

It's your choice.
please answer. if you want better details on the RPG options i'll make better details. Please select one. if you select two then i will put down the first answer.

Yu-Gi-Oh GX-2
Original Story- 3
Bleach- 2
Darker than black- 1
Digimon Frontier- 4

The Forbidden Charms

My friend wolfgamer Made a new RPG called the forbidden charms it's a kingdom hears rpg. THere are all new heros and all new organization members which side do you want to be on?