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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

Requests: OPEN
Art Trades: OPEN
Commissions: OPEN


Well it might just be because i love listening to Disney music and the Disney movies. Not to mention that i'm listening to them now. I think it would be cool to have a world based off of the Little Mermaid. That might just be because i'm listening to the music from The Little Mermaid XD. What do you think???

Good god game and...ahhh

Yea so last week I was playing Naruto Ninja Storm 2 on my PS3 and i'm like cool i'm going to finish this and get all the characters when i was at the final boss battle of the story line. But nooooo the game had to go and add on another bar of people without telling me so now i have to find four more people then i have everyone. I have to finish up my Paper and power point that's due on Friday and i also have to memorize my lines for the Drama club. The production is called Tribute to Broadway. I'm almost in every production in it so i have a lot of songs that i have to memorize. funfun well back to doing nothing for the rest of the night. lol

Keeping theo friendly

Hey look at this post by Hula-chan and i think that most people will agree with her. I know i do. (:Negativity:)

halcyondays latest wallie

halcyondays is my older sister. i got her into the site and this is usually how we comunicate with each other. ^^ I love her cards and wall papers. Here's the one that she just did.
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If you like it hug and fav it. Also click on her name if you want to hug and fave this so you can see her other works. lol love you stephi <3

310 subs

I'm happy and I'm in the ranking of the top 50 on the sight. ^^