Cherry Blossoms

I never understood why you liked me. I was never the most interesting person. I was pretty, I knew because I was told that a few times by friends and family, but I was only pretty. I was not a stunning beauty that makes all men fall to their knees begging for my heart, I was also not the girl with this charm about her. I was normal. And you were everything but normal. You were smart and gifted. You could play music on a piano or guitar, you knew different languages fluently, and you were handsome. You could gauge a person’s interest from one word; you could make a room laugh; you were everything to them, but were only for me.

I remember hating you sometimes. I hated you because you weren’t as amazing to me as you were to everyone else. You acted like I was something better, like you were completely unaware of the effect you had over me. I…I…loved you so much Uri…why did you have to leave me here alone?

I felt a hard throb pierce my chest where my heart was. My body had thawed and the pain ripped right through me. I staggered as I walked up the winding road. I was almost there.

Tears began to pool in my eyes. Now that my body had thawed every emotion and thought that I had once felt nothing of, were active and colliding inside me. It was hard to tell where one began and one ended. I couldn’t take it. You left me; you left me here alone, and took everything from me so that I couldn’t move one.

I reached the top of the hill and could see the sun just dipping further under the treetops. The hill was bare except for one Cherry Tree. Sakura,you had called it. ‘It is Japanese for Cherry Tree.’ You said when you first took me here. They bloomed a beautiful pink and then, like petals from a flower, the flowers from the tree fell off. Dying each year. Do you remember what you said about this place Uri? I do. You related us to this area. You said you were the hill, beautiful, interesting and conceited. You said that although people saw you as this person who could want nothing in this world, this beautiful person with anything at the top of their hills which they were under; they were wrong. I was atop your hill. No one from the bottom could see the beautiful Sakura tree that stood tall, elegant and unaware that it was so cherished. I laughed and said there was no way I could be symbolised by something so beautiful. You than told me how I was your Sakura tree. “You let no one see your beauty, except for those rare times. Asia you are beautiful but what is so attractive about you is what you show to me. You bloom for me each and every time. Then when I leave your flowers fall to the ground so that no one else can see what I have the chance too see and feel. You and this Cherry tree have a lot in common. Your both elegant in appearance, beautiful when you let your admirers see what you possess and, if you know a little about the tree, or person, you can see them in full bloom. So do you think you still aren’t a Sakura tree?”

I collapsed to the ground hunching over the vase, tears streamed out now and I was gasping for air. I was suffocating. Everything was paining me. Breathing reminded me I was alive, the noise of nature reminded me I was alone, this ice cold vase I was holding so tight to my body reminded me you were gone. You were gone forever and it took me this long to realize that I needed you so much. I never cared about the things I complained about. It didn’t bother me that you were handsome or gifted. It didn’t bother me that people didn’t see how we were together; none of that matter. We were fit for each other. I was never insecure around you because you loved me. You loved the way I looked, acted, thought. You were always at ease with me because I expected nothing less than you.

Now I had nothing. I didn’t have your voice to teach me of Sakura trees, your thoughts and personality to remind me why I loved you, I didn’t even have you physically to hold me in your arms or to kiss me goodnight; I had nothing.

I must have been crying for sometime because when I finally sat up, my eyes drained, the sun was gone. Where it once was there was a faint orange glow.“Spread my ashes across the hilltop by the Sakura tree. Each year you go to see it bloom, you can think of me and what we had together.”

“Argh!” I screamed. I let the vase slide off my lap and onto the ground as I threw my hands to my head crying more.

“You know I forgot to tell you another reason why you’re like the Sakura tree and I’m like the hill.”

“Really? I thought you hit that speech with a lot of movement in it, deep feeling and understanding.”

“Asia I was serious about everything I said. Did you want to here it or should I save it for the soliloquy?”

“haha, ok ok Romeo please tell me what ‘other’ reason you forgot to say.”

“Alright. Well I guess I forgot to tell you because I didn’t know how to say it. But what I wanted to say was that you know how it took a long time to climb to the top of the hill and you believed it was all pointless because you didn’t think there would be anything up there worth seeing? Well that’s how I’m like the hill. I pose a challenge to those who want to see what I cherish. I hide it well too. You are similar to the Sakura tree because you willingly hide atop the hill and let others believe there is nothing there. You don’t let people get to know you well at all. The only way they can get to know you are if they walk up the winding road, believing there is nothing at the end worth seeing. Understand? We fit each other pretty good. You don’t want attention like I do therefore hide, and I stand tall, majestic—”


“Ha-ha is that what you call it?”