Hanaro Souhi (Wallpaper Portfolio) ~ {WoNdErFuL} Life. ~ Memories

~ {WoNdErFuL} Life. ~ Memories
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Yey!~ After sooo many time and work,I present to everyone...The wonderful homage for our Hetalia Family made for Belletoile-san and me!XD
Well,is also our entry for the challenge:"Let's Work Together!" by V-san!An awesome challenge and experience!^_^ I really liked it!XD

In Hetalia Family,I'm Liechtenstein-chan and Belletoile-san is England-san!^_^
Liechtenstein said a note to Switzerland for me:"D-don't worry Onii-sama,our meetings were just work!"[LOL!]...Yes,nothing happened,Onii-chan...England-san is a perfect gentleman!XD LOL!~

We decided to make a wallpaper full of images and kind of memories for a album photo...or scrapbook!XD
Belletoile-san made the colorful background and I organized the images!~
I apologize to her,because I think I put so many photos and can't see in great detail the pretty background she did...u_u; So,sorry!~~~

I also added textures,a paper behind the "Hetalia" text and some effects,colorful layers and brushes!^_^

Dedicate,sure,for my super dear friend Belletoile-san!~ who never complained about my boring PMs and hear all my doubts!=^-^= Thanks for all the hard work and for be a lovely friend all time!*hugs*
I love your kindness and your support!~ Since the beginning you helped me a lot,and I'm really happy for work with you!^_^ You're one of my special friends forever!XD Haha!~
*hugs* I hope you like our final wallpaper!^_^ [and sorry for anything...] I do my best!~

Thanks for everything!


*-Images from e-shuushuu and zerochan:
-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 and 20

*-Background Textures: {DeviantArt}


*-Additional Textures:
-regularjane,DyingBeautyStock and Amazing-Design

-SereneBrushes and peculiar-treasure

Thanks so much for all the lovely comments,Faves and Hugs!~
I hope you like it!X3

Ja ne!~

Hetalia: Axis Powers Wallpapers
hetalia, hetalia axis powers
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Member Dedication
Let's Work Together!

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