innocent heart (Wallpaper Portfolio) April Showers

April Showers
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FOR THE NATURALLY BEAUTIFUL CHALLENGE! ^_^ Click here for details: Clicky!

Wow finally had some time to come on and make a wallpaper! Still have some homework to do, but not much.

No big sizes this time. T_T The image wasn't too big. Here is the original image if you would like to see it:
original image

Kashimashi is a very cute manga series^^ Hehe don't think this girl here in this picture is all "girl". X3 She/He is actually a boy turned girl! XD Haha. Very cute series. I highly recommend it!

Anyway, I added about three different textures. You can find where I got them on the wallpaper. Too lazy to write them out. XD All resources can be found on the wallpaper. This took me almost 2 hours. Layers, textures, and more layers. :P I did have a lot of fun making this one and I felt like I did a pretty good job. I added some brushes to make it look more like rain and I gave the sky a more greenish/blue color to make it look like a storm or maybe the sun was coming out. :) And since its April, I thought the title was fitting. Lol.

This is dedicated to Kelsey, Angel Zakuro. I hope you like this my dear bubala! :D I haven't dedicated anything to you in awhile and when I saw this image, I instantly thought of you^^ Thank you for always encouraging me to make wallpapers and helping me improve on them. Like I have said before, you're the one who inspired me to make them^^ You truly are one of the best wall makers out there! Keep up the amazing work^^ And just in general, thank you for just being a great friend/twin to me^^ Love ya! *hugs* I hope you like this^^ Y to G! XD

I hope you all like it and I hope your April Showers aren't too bad^^; XD Wish me luck in the contest! Good luck to everyone else who entered! :D Take care!

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
april, boy, cute, flowers, girl, green, happy, hazumu, kashimashi, kashimashi girl meets girl, naa, nature, rain, sky, smile, umbrella, yellow
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Angel Zakuro
~Naturally Beautiful~

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