FUNimation (Fan Art Portfolio) Secret Santa 2011: niwarabbit

Secret Santa 2011: niwarabbit
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Well derp when was the last time I posted art here?
But that's besides the point: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! ;D
And a very merry Christmas to my Secret Santa, niwarabbit!~ I really hope you like your gift! Your OC was tons of fun to draw~ Though I apologize for not giving her a face. OTL It's been a while since I've drawn something in photoshop. My most recent drawings have all been doodles on various school notes @__@ I've been practicing on poses and anatomy, but not on faces or clothes. So, I really had no idea what I was doing there xD; I hope you still like it though!

I wish everyone Happy Holidays and safety while on their break. :)
Also, thank you to Sayura-chan for setting this whole event up! This wouldn't have been possible without you!~<3

Edit: fff and the "Merry Christmas" looks a lot brighter on theO @__@ I shall fix that later when it lets me OTL

Personal Fan Art
nao, niwarabbit, santa, secret
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