SaxGirl (Fan Art Portfolio) Argos and Hermes - revised 8D

Argos and Hermes - revised 8D
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(This is a challenge entry. I apologise in advance for the lengthy descriptionXD)

Who knows the Greek myth about Argos and Hermes? I'll tell ya what it's about, in a nutshell.

It started with the upper god Zeus being in love with yet another mortal girl (yeah, that happened a lotXD) and this was one too many for his wife Hera. She went after him while he was flirting with the girl (called Io). He quickly turned Io into a beautiful white cow. Hera wanted to have the cow. She then told Argos, the dog with 100 eyes, to keep watch over her. Zeus got very angry and called for his son Hermes. He would have to put the dog to sleep (close all 100 eyes at once!) and - get rid of it, to set Io free.

Now in the original myth, Hermes had a flute. But seen as for this challenge, it had to be given a modern twist, I chose to depict him playing the saxophone!=D (What elseXD) A silver tenor, like the one my dad has:D lol. (Note: this is not because a saxophone is so boring to listen to that you'll fall asleep!:P It's a very versatile instrument though, so I think it would be possible lolXD) Also, in most myths, Hermes is described as a handsome young shepherd with the first hint of facial hairXD lol. That was a first for me:P

Some technical stuff about the drawing:
- No more flat colours for me!:D I tried to use the dodge and burn tools as little as possible, and the brush as much as possible.
- Lots of textures: clothes, bag, fur and... yes, the grass. (I did smudge the fur thoughXD Which is evident when you look at the original:P Otherwise it looked very weirdXD)
- The saxophone was hard to draw. (I'm kinda getting the hang of the general shape though:3) It's like a weird-shaped mirror, reflecting everything around it. So I tried to blend in some colours of the surroundings
- I put a LOT of detail into this - especially in the eyes:P Which is to say, I made EVERY SINGLE ONE of all those 44-and-two-bits (lol) eyes like I usually draw eyes; with the colour differences in the iris, little light reflections, yada yada... It may not be visible, but it's there=D

So yeah... all in all, this took me a LOT of time!:3 I had great fun though^^

Feedback, as always, is VERY much appreciated! <333

Time taken: 8+ hours (dunno exactlyXD)
Done in: PS 6.0 with tablet
Shirt texture, Pants texture, Light leather texture and Dark leather texture by FantasyStock on dA
Fur texture by gild-a-stock on dA
Grass texture by Starna on dA
(Holy crap I used 6 different textures!xD)
Dedicated to: Apocalypse92, for hosting the awesome challenge!^__^ (Please check it out if you haven't - I'm the first one to enter, and it ends on February 22nd)


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